Yale Budgeting Tool (YBT)

What is the Yale Budgeting Tool (YBT)?

The Yale Budgeting Tool (YBT) is Yale’s financial system for budgeting, forecasting, and financial management.  YBT allows users to efficiently and effectively plan, budget, monitor, manipulate and report on labor and financial planning data through a standardized interface.

YBT Login:

YBT Legacy (historical data from FY2005-FY2013):

Access to the YBT legacy system is no longer available. If you need data for the historical fiscal years 2005-2018, please contact your Financial Planning and Analysis Budget Analyst. See the most recent information on the analyst supporting each Planning Unit.

Make It So Login

Make It So


Please contact your Lead Administrator to determine if access to the Yale Budgeting Tool (YBT) is appropriate for your role. 

To gain access to YBT, complete the YBT Request/Change Access Form located in the Policies, Procedures, & Forms section below, and submit the form, with your Lead Administrator’s signature, to ybtsupport@yale.edu.

To gain access to Make It So, complete the MIS Request/Change Access Form located in the Policies, Procedures, & Forms section below, and submit the form, with your Lead Administrator’s signature, to ybtsupport@yale.edu.

Policies, Procedures, & Forms

Training Requirements:

To use YBT Labor, Financial Planning or Reporting please review the YBT FAQ and the training materials as needed.