Crisis Services - 24-Hour Hotlines
New Haven 203-789-8104
Domestic Violence
Advocates, emergency shelter, counseling, and other services: 1-800-774-2900 Statewide Toll-Free
- Ansonia: 203-736-9944
- Bridgeport: 203-384-9559
- Danbury: 203-731-5206
- Dayville: 860-774-8648
- Enfield: 860-763-4542
- Falls Village: 860-824-1080
- Greenwich: 203-622-0003
- Hartford: 860-527-0550
- Meriden: 203-238-1501
- Middletown: 860-347-3044
- New Britain: 860-225-6357
- New Haven: 203-789-8104
- New London: 860-701-6000
- Norwalk: 203-852-1980
- Stamford: 203-357-8162
- Torrington: 203-482-7133
- Waterbury: 203-575-0036
- Willimantic: 860-456-9476
- Waterbury: 203-575-0036
Sexual Assault
Counseling, advocacy: 1-888-999-5545 Statewide Toll-Free
- Bridgeport: 203-332-8283
- Danbury: 203-731-5204
- Hartford: 860-522-6666
- Meriden: 203-235-4444
- Middlesex County: 860-635-4424 or 1-800-628-8685
- Milford: 203-878-1212
- New Britain: 860-223-1787
- New London: 860-442-4357
- Stamford: 203-329-2929
- Torrington: 860-482-7133
- Waterbury: 203-753-3613
- Willimantic: 860-456-2789
Information & Support Services
- INFO-LINE 1-800-203-1234
- Elder Abuse 1-888-385-4225
- Child Abuse Care Line 1-800-842-2288
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) 1-800-544-3690
- Survivors of Homicide 1-860-257-7388
- Office of Victim Services (State of Connecticut) 1-800-822-8428