Virtual tour of Create Requisition update
March 18, 2020
On Saturday, March 7, Workday was upgraded to a new version. All Cost Center Requisitioners and Approvers are invited to attend a virtual guided tour of the new screens in the Create Requisition process. The tour will highlight what’s new including:
- Guided Requisitioning
- Ship to & Deliver to Fields
- COA Worktags
- Adding a Non-Catalog Item to your Cart
- Shopping Cart
- Checkout Page
- Searching for suppliers
A Zoom session will be held as follows:
- Friday, March 20, 2020 from 11:00am-11:30am
To register, log onto Yale’s VPN network and click on this link: Create Requisition session via TMS.
Attending this session is particulary valuable for those who create requisitions frequently with split charging instructions and/or multiple COA accounts. If you are unable to attend the Zoom session, please click on this link to the Create Requisition Training Guide for further details. A notification will be sent in the coming days when a recorded session of the virtual tour has been posted to the Workday Training site.
For assistance with the Create Requisition process, contact the Finance Support Center through email at or call 203-432-5394.