C&T Training and Development Summer Training
May 21, 2020
The University and Local 34 are pleased to continue our commitment to the training and development program for C&T staff. Sponsored by the C&T Training and Development Committee, this summer’s program will be offered virtually and is centered on the theme “Learning online. Growing real-time.” Online classes will be offered to support your development both in specific skills and navigating a career.
Please join us online, June 2, from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m., for the C&T Training and Development virtual kick-off event. Guest speaker Laurie Santos, Head of Silliman College and professor of Psychology, will share highlights from her world-renowned class, “The Science of Well-Being.”
We are asking supervisors to visit the new C&T training and development web page to learn more about the tools and resources to support C&T career development that will become available soon and to encourage their staff members to participate in the program. If you are interested in attending the kick-off event and classes, please work with your supervisor to help plan for appropriate coverage within your department. As a reminder, by contract, C&T staff are allotted up to 30 hours of training time per year. Please use the “training release” code on your timesheet to document your attendance.
Class registration will open on June 1, with classes beginning mid-June. Please register for the kick-off event and course offerings through the Training Management System (TMS). To access TMS, you must first connect to Yale’s network using a virtual private network (VPN). You can download Cisco VPN AnyConnect from the IT Software Library. For assistance, contact the ITS Help Desk at 203-432-9000.
Register here. Enroll in virtual class offerings.
The kick-off event scheduled for June 2 is now full, but please join us for other learning opportunities by enrolling in virtual class offerings.
Warmest regards, Laurie Kennington, President, Local 34
Janet Lindner, Vice President for Human Resources and Administration