Facilities Reopening Plan for University Buildings

June 19, 2020

The University is beginning a phased reopening of several buildings to allow research and other campus functions to start up. In support of this, Facilities has put together the Facilities Reopening Plan for University Buildings, which can be seen in webform here (where the full plan is available in PDF). The document defines Building Operating Levels that range from:

  • Level A: Closed/Hibernation Mode
  • Level B: Restricted Access/Partial Occupancy (<50%)
  • Level C: Restricted Access with Increased Occupancy (>50%)/Special Space Type
  • Level D: Open Access with Some Limitations

Corresponding services and support that will be provided by Facilities staff as the University transitions from Phases 1 to 3 of its reopening plan.

New FAQs

Recently, an FAQs page was added to guide departments and staff members as they navigate returning to campus in the time of COVID.

Specific areas of increased support include:

  • Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Optimization of Building Infrastructure
  • Supplemental Planning Support for Department Space Usage
  • Procurement Planning 

The plan also defines the responsibilities of various units, including building occupants for gaining approval to reopen and ensuring compliance with State and University guidelines for various activities to provide a safe and well-maintained workplace.

Finally, the plan and website provide links and contact information for building occupants, including access to a web form where members of the University community can contact the Facilities Customer Service Center with COVID-19 specific Facilities-related questions.

The plan is the result of collaboration between members of each Office of Facilities department, contributors from Environmental Health and Safety. Both the document and the various related web resources will continue to evolve and develop as Facilities groups continue to meet and determine how best to serve the University during this time.