ITSM introduces new request form intake process

June 25, 2020

Each year there are hundreds of requests for IT services submitted via a variety of methods including email, phone, webforms, and through ServiceNow standard requests. Regardless of the submission method, a follow-up contact may be needed to answer some additional questions, sometimes resulting in delays in fulfilling these requests.

To add efficiency and effectiveness to service requests, the IT Service Management (ITSM) team is working on converting our existing generic ServiceNow Development and Support “standard request” into tailored service requests that fit individual service needs and improve the customer experience. These new requests can include targeted questions and workflows. Adding workflow to tailored service requests removes bottlenecks and integrates processes and activities between people and systems. Interactions that involve forms, requests, approvals, and events can be simplified with automated workflows that string together multiple activities. Activities can include anything from generating records, to notifying users of pending approvals, or running timers, tasks, scripts, and more. You can utilize end-to-end automation of the previously manual or disconnected processes that drive a service.

Service Management launched a project to revamp the request form intake process for the ServiceNow service offering. In the pilot phase, it started with reviewing the existing process, then improving and streamlining it to speed up the intake and creation of request forms. A pilot group was convened to review the intake and the newly created Request a Service Request form. The pilot group provided useful feedback on how to improve the intake and the Request a Service Request form. We implemented the group’s suggestions and are now releasing it to the wider IT Community.

Service Management plans to directly contact selected service offering mangers who have highly used standard requests and/or webforms that could benefit from a tailored form. These communications will provide useful information explaining why the form is beneficial and how it can help to expedite those requests that would benefit from automated workflows.

Please attend Service Management’s bi-weekly office hours if you have any additional questions or would like to know more about these request forms.

Service Quality