New signs greet returning faculty, staff, and students
July 17, 2020
As Yale reopens, returning faculty, staff, and students will notice new COVID-19 safety signs in public spaces throughout campus. Yale Facilities teamed up with the Office of the University Printer to develop and install COVID-19 safety signs around the campus. Using guidance from the State of Connecticut and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the signs, some featuring Handsome Dan, instruct individuals about social distancing, hand washing, wearing face masks, and more.
You will find the new signs in building entryways, elevators, stairwells, restrooms, conference spaces, and shared use areas. Also, this group worked with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) on signage specific to labs.
The University Printer’s team came up with the design and messaging for eight different signs. Some are generic like “wash your hands,” while others, about social distancing by 6 feet, may need to change over time. Once the templates were approved, Facilities Services worked with area managers to quantify how many signs were needed. To print what amounted to thousands of signs, the team worked with Yale Printing and Publishing Services (YPPS). The first set of signs were installed by Monday, June 1, but only in buildings that were reopened for Phase 1.
This process will continue as more buildings open in subsequent phases. Facilities Services has been installing the signs. While they are not meant to be permanent, they were printed on weather-proof, never-tear material, giving them added durability.
“Putting Handsome Dan on some of the signs gives them a friendly, calming feel. They are serious messages, but designed to reduce anxiety. Having to now follow all these new guidelines is stressful for everyone and contrary to what we are used to. We hope these signs will help as people return to campus,” said Cathy Jackson, Director of Planning Administration.
New signs include:
- Wash your hands
- Wear a mask
- Practice social distancing
- ID Required
- Visitor check-in at Security Desk
- No entry (room not disinfected)
- Please use provided hand sanitizer
- Shared equipment and objects
Big shout out to YPPS, area managers, and Facilities Services for the major effort in accomplishing this important project.
Special thanks to:
- Charles Biada, Signage Specialist, University Printer
- Robert Daly, Area Manager Facilities Services
- Jason England, Design Services Manager, YPPS
- John Gambell, University Printer
- Cathy Jackson, Director of Planning Administration
- Mark McCloud, Director Facilities Services and Grounds
- Peter Reinhardt, Director of EH&S