Effort Certification Work Area Enhancement

January 27, 2021


  •  An Effort Certification Work Area has been added to Workday that Effort Certification Reviewers can access to manage and complete all required actions in their work queue.
  •  During the release of the fall 2020 (July 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020) effort certification period, in addition to receiving alerts in their inbox, Reviewers will be able to access the Work Area to manage and complete all required activities.


The Effort Certification Work Area is the Reviewer’s dashboard listing all the effort certification activities needing completion. While the Reviewers will still receive inbox alerts, the Work Area dashboard will allow the Reviewers to more easily view and complete their certification activities from one convenient place. The Reviewers have the option of either relying on their inbox alerts or accessing the Work Area, at their convenience, to complete their work queue during the certification period.

Detailed instructions have been sent to Effort Certification Reviewers outlining the steps for accessing the Work Area. The Reviewer should regularly access their Work Area through the certification period to ensure all actions are completed by March 26, 2021.

Need Help?

Please refer any questions to the Effort Certification Administration Team at effort.reports@yale.edu.