It's time for mid-year performance discussions

January 21, 2021

As a reminder, we have entered the development phase of ITS’s Performance Management cycle, which includes conducting a mid-year performance review. In addition, this year’s (FY21) rating and rewarding phase for M&P staff will be accellerated. The effective date for merit increases for eligible M&P staff will return to July 1.

Mid-year performance reviews for ITS M&P and C&T staff should be completed on or before Friday, February 5, 2021. M&P team members should use the ITS M&P Performance Management form, which includes a revision to the Diversity competency. C&T team members and their managers should use the C&T Performance Feedback form

For a mid-year feedback discussion to be constructive and meaningful, it should be actionable. You and your manager are encouraged to do the following during your discussion:

  • Review specific goals and required competencies
  • Recognize accomplishments to date and reinforce the path to achieving goals
  • Discuss what is/isn’t working and what support/resources are needed to deliver expectations
  • Where applicable, adjust goals based on changing priorities and circumstances
  • Identify priorities for the rest of the year
  • Identify and eliminate potential road blocks to achieving stated goals
  • Identify development opportunities for the employee

Conducting a mid-year review allows you and your supervisor a formal opportunity to check in and provide meaningful feedback on your work and accomplishments to date. It also serves to develop and/or enhance working relationships and to contribute to your professional development.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to if you need support with your performance discussions. Helpful guides and related information are also available to support you in this effort. Please visit Yale’s Performance Management page.

Workplace of Choice