Get clarity on ServiceNow Dashboards and Reporting

February 18, 2021

Did the recent ServiceNow homepage conversion catch you off guard? Are you unsure of the best way to display your ticket information? Need to understand how to use the reporting module to get the most relevant information? Then attend the new ServiceNow Dashboard and Reporting training session on March 9, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.

During this interactive Zoom training session, you will learn about the reporting module in ServiceNow and how to use its functionality to display the data you need. Learn how to use existing global reports and making them your own. Take advantage of your reports by creating an interactive dashboard that you own and can share with your team. We will also discuss advanced features available for those who wish to pursue them.

Register for the course through Yale’s Training Management System (connection to Yale’s Virtual Private Network may be required). Due to the nature of the class, seats are limited.