Updated Workday reports

February 3, 2021

A change was made to the export function of the following Workday reports. Now, the Excel spreadsheet can be expanded to view “Spend Category” financial information.

  • Indirect Costs Reconciliation by Award – Yale
  • Indirect Costs Reconciliation by Grant – Yale
  • Award Closeout - Indirect Costs Reconciliation by Award - Yale 

When exporting any of these reports to Excel, individuals will be required to click “Notify Me Later.” As a result, the report would then be sent to the “My Reports” folder. The “My Reports” folder is accessible from the users “Profile.”
Please Note: To track the status of the report, users can run a Process Monitor and enter “report” in the Process Type prompt.

For questions, please contact the Finance Support Center at askfinance@yale.edu.