Revised - Policy 3201 General Purchasing 

April 21, 2021

The following policy document recently received minor clarifying revisions.  Please discuss the document with the appropriate people in your department

Policy 3201 General Purchasing

Related Documents:

Policy 3201 addresses the ethical practices and procurement requirements associated with purchasing methods, supplier selection, comparative pricing, approval of purchasing transactions, signing authority, receipt of goods and services acknowledgment, and sales tax issues.  It establishes the expectations and processes applicable to purchases made on behalf of the University.

To clarify certain expectations, Section 3201.7 Receipt of Goods Acknowledgement received minor revisions.  These revisions are not intended to create new obligations, but rather to explicitly state longstanding expectations regarding receipt of goods acknowledgement.  In particular, the “Confirmation” and “Acknowledgement” requirements for goods valued < $5,000 were clarified to describe how approvers should satisfy themselves that goods have been received and how approvers should indicate that confirmation to Accounts Payable.


Always check the Policies and Procedures website for the latest revisions of all documents.  This will ensure you that are utilizing the most up-to-date version.

If you have any questions, please contact Policy and Compliance Services at