Effort Certification reminder: New aggregate report & certification statement visibility
June 2, 2021
Effective June 2, 2021, the Workday Effort Certification will include the following enhancements:
- For Faculty that self-certify, the Effort Certification Statement will be fully visible.
- For all Effort Certification roles:
- Dollar amounts will now be removed from the Summary and Detail view within the effort certification.
- A new Aggregate Tab will be added to the Effort Certification Statement showing the total percentage and dollars charged to each grant per pay period.
- Supporting documentation attached in the Effort Certification Statement will flow through to the generated Payroll Accounting Adjustment.
- Casual and Temporary staff that devote effort to grants, will be included in the semi-annual effort release starting with the Fall 2021 period. For time worked on or after 6/20/21, the paper certification process will be retired.
Effective June 2, 2021, the Workday Effort Certification will include the following enhancements:
Expansion of Certification Text
- The Certification Text will be fully displayed to the Faculty Self-Certifier in their inbox. This enhanced visibility promotes compliance by offering certifiers a complete view of the certification statement eliminating the extra step of expanding the view to make it visible.
- The Certification Text will remain collapsed to the Effort Certification Reviewer and for non-faculty Grant PI certification. The Effort Certification Team will work with Workday to display the certification text for the non-faculty certifications. More information to be announced.
- Dollar amounts will be removed from the Summary and Detail view within the Effort Certification Statement to allow the certification text to be fully visible. This will align Effort Certification Statement methodology with University policy of certifying to percent of effort instead of dollars.
New Aggregate Tab
- A new Aggregate Tab will be added to the Effort Certification Statement showing the total percentage and dollars charged to each grant per pay period. The Aggregate view will provide a more linear view of total percentages charged to each grant by pay period. Amounts can be expanded, filtered, and viewed by different sources, including the Fund Type as shown below. The Aggregate report can be downloaded for tracking and reporting purposes.
Attachments for Payroll Accounting Adjustments generated from Effort Certification
Any supporting documentation attached in the effort certification statement will flow through to the generated Payroll Accounting Adjustment. Additional documentation can still be attached during the Payroll Accounting Adjustment review.
Effort Certification for Casual and Temporary staff
Casual and Temporary staff that devote effort to grants will continue to use paper timesheets to capture effort certification through pay-period ending 6/19/21. For time worked on or after 6/20/21, the paper certification process will be retired. Casual and Temporary staff will be brought into the semi-annual effort release starting with the Fall 2021 period.
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Reference Materials
To learn more about these changes, please reference the following:
- Workday Effort Certification for Reviewers Quick Guide
- Workday Effort Certification for Certifiers Quick Guide
- Workday Aggregate Report Video
OSP Brown Bag Meetings
These changes will be presented during the June 22, 2021 OSP Department Brown Bag session. TMS registration is not required for Brown Bag meetings. Invitations along with Zoom login information is sent to those who subscribe to the OSP News and Updates subscription list. Subscribe to OSP News & Updates to receive OSP communications including the OSP newsletter, OSP Brown Bag invitations, and OSP training events, or email osp.trainings@yale.edu .
Effort Reporting Principles Training
Anyone new to Effort Certification is encouraged to enroll in the upcoming Effort Reporting Principles Zoom session on July 13, 2021. To register, log onto the VPN to register via TMS.
Please refer any questions to the Effort Certification Administration Team at effort.reports@yale.edu.