Join the IT Collaboration Services community on Teams

September 9, 2021

Join your IT colleagues on Teams to participate in group discussions where members can raise questions or discuss topics across the full range of services that the Collaboration Services team supports (Microsoft 365 services, G Suite Services, Zoom, Box, Mailman lists, Basecamp). The team is not a replacement for using the Help Desk, Desktop Support, or any of the local IT support providers across campus, instead it should be used for non-time sensitive inquiries, and as a place to share challenges or success stories.

Membership is currently open to anyone in the Yale University IT support community.

To join the team:

  1. Click the Teams icon in the Teams navigation pane
  2. Select the Join or create a Team button
  3. Enter the code fgqp6vv in the Join a team with a code section
  4. Click Join Team
One IT at Yale