Introducing QGenda – New enterprise provider scheduling application

December 9, 2021

QGenda, a cloud-based provider scheduling application, is being introduced to support physicians within Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) and Yale Medicine (YM). The adoption of this application will provide a digital, single source of truth to view and update on-call schedules. Through the QGenda mobile app, physicians can view their shift schedules real-time, sync schedules to their personal calendars, streamline requests and swap options, and — most importantly — provide more time to focus on patient care.

This rollout embarks on fairly uncharted territory. It is a challenge to have two separate entities – YNHHS and YM – partner to deliver a common, enterprise solution, which is beneficial to both entities. But, we are working toward making such IT partnerships routine to improve the experience of the patients, faculty, staff, and trainees we jointly support. For the QGenda initiative, we have assigned Towsif Uddin, project manager for YNHHS, and Jo Luce, project manager for Yale Medicine, to work as a unified team. “To ensure cohesive and constant communication between entities, Jo and I jointly lead the QGenda project to ensure seamless continuity and successful adoption of the application solution. This partnership helped us navigate contracts, increase leadership engagement, disseminate common communications across entities, develop user training plans, and resolve access issues so we may avoid any disruption with current system applications or patient care.” – Towsif Uddin

The QGenda transition process began in November 2021 with Pediatrics and OB/GYN and is expected to be completed in June 2023. Once the transition process is complete, existing scheduling applications will no longer be supported for on-call scheduling.

Initial feedback from the rollout has been very positive. Danielle Bonagura, who supports Gynecology Oncology and Urology Gynecology shared that “QGenda is great! The use of a shared platform across the health system not only enhances collaboration, but it reduces the gaps in communication we are currently experiencing. I no longer have to use multiple resources to decipher call-coverage, clinical/OR coverage and time-off requests. Everything I need is in one spot!”

Benefits of an Enterprise Scheduling Application

As an enterprise scheduling application, QGenda offers:

  • Easy updates: Automation provides easy click-and-drag swapping and request options, push notifications, and minimizes duplicative work.
  • Schedules on the go: The mobile app allows the user to use their phone to view and swap schedules/shifts and sync them with their calendar, if desired.
  • Real-time updates: Updates occur in real-time and meet strict requirements for performance, security, and accessibility.
  • One enterprise schedule: Provides one source of truth so physicians and clinicians are referencing the same schedule; avoiding any gaps in coverage.

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