FY23 - ITS rate change
January 12, 2022
ITS has conducted a rate review that will impact the FY23 operating budget for schools and units. A new Rate Table was created and has been posted to ITS – Rate Review - FY23 Rates (note: Yale netID and password login required). Please review when planning your FY23 budget.
FY23 ITS Rate Review
ITS has conducted a rate review that will impact the FY23 operating budget for schools and units. This review was conducted over a two-year period and included an analysis of 121 rate structures. All rates have been reviewed by the University Services committee where representatives from all the self-support schools have been in attendance and have been approved by Budget Strategy group.
The goal of the rate review was to develop rates for our services that are:
- Simple and easy to understand
- Appropriately priced and aligned with our peers and the market
Our new rate review process is sustainable and repeatable, allowing for more regular and simplified rate evaluations in the future.
For additional information regarding the FY23 Telecom and FTE Bundles, please visit the link above.
Need Help?
For more information regarding rates, please email ITS Billing.