What to expect with the ITS Job Family Redesign Project

January 13, 2022

ITS is preparing to launch a pilot, formally known as the Job Family Classification Redesign and Compensation Reform Project, to strengthen its position as a Workplace of Choice. When the project launches in June 2022, it will replace the current ITS Managerial & Professional (M&P) classification and compensation system with one that ensures ITS is recruiting, managing, and retaining a high performing, well-qualified, and diverse workforce.

Human Resources (HR) is supporting ITS with this project and will use this opportunity to identify the most efficient and consistent ways of implementing a new framework across other departments at Yale. The project is expected to simplify ITS’s M&P classification structure, making it easier and more flexible to administer; facilitate market/internal compensation structure alignment, ensure that pay is competitive, equitable, and fiscally sound; identify paths for career progression; and address recruitment and retention needs.

In addition to the organizational benefits, M&P staff will personally benefit from this project because it will allow them to strategically manage their careers using a new job profile catalog, which clarifies the classification of ITS positions and supports their performance management; ensure that pay practices are equitable and compensation policies are easier to understand; and offer a classification structure that is responsive to changes in the labor market and economic conditions.

Staff can expect several changes, including the consolidation and standardization of job profiles, consistent titling methodology, expanded and defined job levels, reduced market benchmarks, and clearer career paths. While some of these changes may impact job responsibilities and duties, they are not expected to impact reporting relationships. Additionally, every ITS M&P staff position will be assigned to a job title within the new structure, neither viewed as a promotion or demotion, to recognize jobs consistently within the ITS organization. Finally, the new classification structure will strengthen our pay practice methodology; providing equity and fairness to the recruiting and retention, internal promotion, and merit review processes.

In preparation for the rollout, the following efforts are underway:

  • Job descriptions are written and under review by ITS Leadership and Compensation
  • Management engagement sessions will continue at the January Leadership Team meeting and will include all ITS managerial staff
  • Market benchmarking is finalized and ITS M&P staff have been aligned with new titles
  • Training and information materials are being developed for all staff and will be shared in February & March

As IT and HR prepare for the June 2022 rollout, additional updates and information will be provided to managers as well as the broader ITS community. For questions, please contact Blanche Temple or Ask John.

Workplace of Choice