Valimail protection for bulk email starting September 21

September 7, 2022


As previously announced, on Wednesday, September 21, Yale will enable services offered by Valimail to improve mail security, reduce spam, and ensure mail delivery for legitimate mail.

  • ITS is still seeing several mail-sending services or applications that remain misconfigured and will mostly fail authentication when Valimail is enabled. These services have not been authorized and are at risk of delivery failure.
  • Action is required If you use a service or application that sends email with a address, the service requires verification and authorization. The following services have already been setup for all senders: Yale Message, EliApps,, Mailman, and Microsoft 365.


Security is the responsibility of all members of the Yale community. The only way to ensure email remains secure is through partnership and participation.

If you use a service or application that sends mail with an address, excluding Yale Message, EliApps,, Mailman, or Microsoft 365, your designated contact or account owner will need to contact the mail-sending service or application vendor directly to request the required information and provide it to ITS. Yale ITS does not have access to this information and cannot contact your mail vendor on your behalf.

You can find additional details about Valimail and sending mail via bulk email sending services on the Valimail knowledge page.

Need help?

View additional details about Valimail and sending mail via bulk email sending services can be found on the Valimail knowledge page.

For additional assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 203-432-9000 or visit our website to view answers to trending questions, search how-to articles, start a chat, or report a problem.
