Procedure 3215 PR.02 Yale Expense Management (PCard and Out-of-Pocket Expenses) – Important Reminders

November 30, 2022

Procedure 3215 PR.02 Yale Expense Management (PCard and Out-of-Pocket Expenses) – Important Reminders

Related Documents:

At this time, no revisions have been made to this procedure or related policy documents.  Rather, this communication is being issued to highlight several important reminders.

  1. As we approach the end of the calendar year, we would like to remind all faculty and staff that, per University Procedure 3215 PR.02 Yale Expense Management (PCard and Out-of-Pocket Expenses), “Individuals are expected to prepare and submit expense reports, with supporting documentation, within thirty (30) days from the date the expense is incurred.”
  2. The procedure also notes, “Out-of-pocket or personal travel expenses 120 days through 366 days from the date incurred are reimbursed as taxable income to the employee…  Expenses greater than 366 days from the date incurred will not be reimbursed.”
  3. Further, the procedure states, “Individuals traveling on leave for extended periods of time (60 days or more) must submit expenses periodically to ensure compliance.”
  4. Overall, timely submission of expense reports ensures the accuracy and completeness of our financial reporting.  In addition, it provides necessary support for the reimbursement of expenditures made on sponsored awards.

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Always check the Policies & Procedures Website for the latest revisions of all documents.  This will ensure you that are utilizing the most up-to-date version.

If you have any questions, please contact Policy & Compliance Services at