Restrictions on charging or moving charges by USPs to sponsored awards
November 9, 2022
Certain University Service Providers (USPs) are restricted from charging sponsored awards for policy and regulatory reasons. In the event of a charge from such a USP to a non-sponsored account, it is not permitted to move that charge after-the-fact onto a sponsored award.
To comply with federal regulations and Yale policy, USPs categorized as Specialized Service Facilities (SSFs) and Recharge Centers (RCs) are required, on an annual basis, to develop a rate calculation schedule to support the rates charged. SSFs and RCs that certify that they will not charge sponsored awards during the current year of operations are exempt from this requirement and their journal sources are restricted from charging sponsored awards. At the end of this communication is a list of SSFs and RCs that may not charge sponsored awards.
As noted, moving charges from the journal source of a restricted USP to a non-restricted journal source, such as ISPADJ, is not permitted. Procedure 1410 PR.03 describes the appropriate use of the ISPADJ journal source:
“Users are responsible for making any needed correction to an original charge that is not the result of a USP error. If the change is permanent and continuing forward, users are responsible for contacting the USP with updated charging instructions. Departments and/or their representatives must use a Journal Source that has been specially configured for this purpose (i.e., Name = ISP Adjustments; Ref ID = ISPADJ). Departments may NOT use the original USP’s Journal Source.”
The Controller’s Office will continue to perform Quality Assurance checks to review compliance with the restrictions described in this communication and relevant Yale policies and procedures. If you have any questions, please reach out to
USPs that certify they will not charge sponsored awards and, therefore, are not allowed to charge sponsored awards at the time of this communication, include:
- ADM Graduate Housing (ISP012)
- ADMSP Medical ID Center (ISP921)
- Athletics-Physical Ed (ISP035)
- Dermatology Cell Sales (ISP903)
- Greenberg Conference Center (via YC&E) (ISP001)
- Harkness Dorm Graduate Housing (ISP052)
- ITS Non-Grant Billing Services (ITSNGB)
- Mead Visitor Center (ISP016)
- Office of New Haven & State Affairs (ISP017)
- Office of Public Affairs & Communication (ISP003)
- Parking & Transit (SPADMP)
- Peabody Marine Vessel (ISP028)
- School of Music (ISP029)
- School of Drama (SPDRPR)
- TR&S Courier Service (ISP010)
- TR&S Moving/Relocation (ISP011)
- TR&S Storage (SPSTCT)
- University Printer (ISP005)
- Woolsey Hall - Schwarzman Center (ISP004)
- Yale Printing and Publishing Services (YPPS) (YRISPS)
- Yale School of Medicine Boost Support (ISP754)
- YSM Continuing Medical Education (ISP969)
USPs categorized as Other Service Providing Units (OSPUs) are included in the University’s F&A rate for sponsored activity and, therefore, do not directly charge sponsored awards for the goods, services, and/or space provided. USPs categorized as OSPUs at the time of this communication, include:
- Capital Management Fees (CAPMFE)
- Central Facilities (FAMISC)
- FACPP Physical Plant (FAMIS1)
- FACUTL Utilities (UMSECE)
- Peabody Museum, Public Program (ISP034)
- Small Project Group Management Fee – Non-Capital (OPPMFE)
- Yale Center for British Art - Special Events (ISP038)
- Yale University Police Department (ISP021)
- Yale University Security Program (RVSECP)
Note that the lists above are not all inclusive, there are additional USPs with restrictions. To inquire about the status of an individual USP, please reach out to