Performance Management Frequently Asked Questions for C&T Staff
The “Performance Feedback and Joint Objective Setting Task Force” jointly created the performance feedback process and the forms and tools it includes. The Task Force was formed as a Best Practices initiative and included representatives from Local 34 leadership and University management. The Task Force benchmarked the performance feedback processes at other similar Universities and made recommendations to the Best Practices Initiative Steering Committee and the Policy Board which reviewed and accepted the proposed process, forms, and tools.
Yes. Once the employee and supervisor have completed the form and have held the feedback discussion, a completed copy of the form will be provided to the employee by the supervisor.
The employee, his or her supervisor, and University Officials such as the appropriate HR Business Partner, will have access to the completed feedback forms. In addition, employees may authorize sharing of their feedback with hiring managers as part of the reference checking process by indicating their desire to do so on their feedback form at the time of their review.
Yes. All supervisors of C&T employees, including bargaining unit and excluded C&Ts, are expected to participate.
The supervisor is responsible for providing the overall performance feedback. However, the supervisor may seek input from others who can contribute meaningful feedback regarding the employee‘s performance (e.g. customers and others who receive or depend on the employee’s work); the employee should suggest names the supervisor may contact for input. The manager will determine whom to contact for input and will share this information with the employee during the feedback discussion.
The self-assessment ensures that the employee has an opportunity to provide input and perspective into his/her own performance, and to include information the supervisor may not have. Working through this process can help employees identify and capture developmental interests they may want to discuss with their supervisor. It also provides supervisors with information to reflect upon as they complete their portion of the form. The feedback process should be an earnest dialogue between the supervisor and employee, and the self-assessment helps to ensure that this dialogue will take place.
The feedback discussion itself provides the opportunity for the employee and supervisor to have a dialogue and exchange information about job performance and results for the period being reviewed. Often, during the conversation differences in perception are lessened as the result of additional information and perceptions being shared. In addition, the employee may record any disagreement with the supervisor’s remarks by using the space provided on the feedback form for “Employee Comments.”
The employee signature is needed to verify that the employee has seen and discussed the completed feedback form with the supervisor. The employee signature does not signify agreement or approval of the contents or statements on the form. It also indicates that the employee has had an opportunity to enter “Employee Comments.”
Employees should meet with their supervisor and set goals for the remainder of the performance cycle. While some employees may be hired close to the end of the performance cycle, time should be set up to review the past years previous goals and talk about possible goals for the next year’s cycle. This may be refined when the new departmental goals and the manager’s goals are set prior to beginning of the C&T Performance Cycle. The feedback form also includes a column the supervisor can check for each particular skill or performance area to identify whether it is “too soon to rate or NA”.