HR Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
Yale University has a long-standing commitment to provide a campus that is safe and secure for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Behavior that is threatening, harassing, intimidating or in any way dangerous or violent is strictly prohibited and will result in serious action by the University. While no large organization is immune from acts of violence, clear policies and procedures help reduce the likelihood of such events and guide appropriate responses to situations that do arise.
Policies to Promote a Safe Campus
It is University policy that:
- Access to the University’s property is limited to members of the University community and their guests and invitees, and to those authorized to be on campus property.
- All students, staff and faculty on or in the vicinity of the campus must present a valid Yale ID card at the request of any University official.
- The University reserves the right to enter and inspect its property and work areas.
- All newly hired staff, post-doctoral associates and fellows, employees of vendors, consultants who receive I.D.s, and casual employees must undergo background checks. This expansion of our background verification requirement took effect January 1, 2010.
Prohibition of Weapons
The University specifically prohibits the possession of weapons by any faculty or staff member, student, or visitor while on or in the vicinity of University-owned or controlled property, whether or not the owner is licensed to carry such weapon. This ban includes keeping a weapon or transporting it to another location. With the exception of the University Police, employees are prohibited from carrying a weapon while performing services for the University on or off University premises. Other law enforcement professionals must have the permission of the University Police to carry weapons on campus. Weapons may include, but are not limited to, guns, ammunition, knives, explosives and the like, crossbows, swords, or similar items with the potential to inflict physical harm. Included are disarmed weapons and simulated weapons which could reasonably cause apprehension. Possession of unlicensed or illegal weapons at any location may be grounds for discipline. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination or expulsion in the case of a student, and/or criminal proceedings will be taken against persons who violate this policy.
Examples of Prohibited Behaviors
Among the behaviors prohibited by University policy are verbal or non-verbal threats, electronically communicated threats, threatened use of a weapon of any kind, physical intimidation (hitting, shoving, etc.), stalking, sexual harassment or assault, vandalism, arson, or any other dangerous behavior that undermines the safety and security of the Yale campus.
Reporting Threats or Violent BehaviorAll members of the Yale community have the responsibility to report threatening or violent behavior, whether that behavior is exhibited by faculty, staff, students, or visitors.
If there is an immediate threat of violence, call 911 right away. If you don’t have a phone, go to and use one of the nearly 400 blue light emergency phones on campus. Those at the West Campus or other locations not in New Haven should dial 911.
If the threat of violence is not immediate, please notify one of the following:
- Yale Police 203-432-4400 (24 hours a day)
- A supervisor
- Human Resources (203-436-8857)
- Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (203-432-0849)
- Office for Post Doctoral Affairs (203-432-5275 for Central campus/203-785-3735 for Medical campus)
- Dean’s Office in your school
- Residential College Master or Dean
- Dean of Student Affairs
If you are unsure of whom to call, please consult with your Human Resources Generalist or call Yale’s anonymous “hot line” by dialing 877-360-YALE.
Members of the University community are expected to notify Yale Police whenever a legal order of protection is granted which mentions the University property or involves a member of the University community. Victims of domestic violence who believe the violence may extend into the University community are also encouraged to notify Yale Police. Appropriate efforts will be made in all cases to protect the privacy and sensitivity of the information provided.
Retaliation against any member of the community, acting in good faith, who has made a complaint of threatening or potentially violent behavior, is a very concerning violation of this policy and will result in serious disciplinary action and/or academic suspension or expulsion.
Response to Threatening, Intimidating, or Violent Behavior
The University will take seriously all reports of threats, engaging the necessary expertise as appropriate. The range of actions taken in response may include removal of dangerous persons from the premises, arrests, discipline up to and including termination, academic suspension or expulsion, legal action (such as restraining orders), provision of added security measures, mental health referrals, and other actions as necessary and appropriate.
Responsibility of University Managers
University managers are expected to learn to recognize the early signs of hostile and potentially threatening behavior that could jeopardize the safety of a member of the Yale community while on our campus. Training on the early warning signs and how to respond to them is provided to managers in University training programs. Ignoring the early signs can be mistaken as approval of the behavior and lead to further unsafe conduct.
Suggestions for Improving Campus Safety and Security
A special e-mail box is available to submit ideas, questions, or concerns about the safety and security of the Yale campus. The e-mail address is, and it is monitored daily.
University Public Safety Council
The University Public Safety Council, which includes key leaders from the Police and Security departments, Human Resources, General Counsel, Facilities, Risk Management, Environmental Health & Safety, and the Provost’s Office, meets regularly to review, assess, and coordinate efforts related to campus safety and security. Suggestions or recommendations may be directed to the Council through Janet Lindner, Associate Vice President of Administration, who chairs this group; Janet can be reached by e-mail at
Employee, Faculty, and Family Assistance
Yale’s Employee Assistance Program allows staff, faculty and their families to obtain immediate, confidential and professional help when personal difficulties begin to affect home life, health or job performance. Managers or co-workers should refer colleagues who appear to be under great personal stress to our Employee Assistance Program. Difficulties that may lead to such stress include: marital conflicts; family concerns; personal relationships; drug or alcohol abuse; legal or financial problems; job pressures; or lifestyle changes related to divorce, aging, retirement, illness, etc. For further information, go to: EAP services.