3401 PR.03 Disbursing Funds for Prizes, Awards, Stipends, and Fellowships

Revision Date: 
April 19, 2021


1.      Overview

2.      Appropriate Scenarios and Preparation Steps for Using PandA

3.      Creating and Processing a PandA Request

1. Overview

This procedure supports Policy 3401 General Payment.  It details the steps to follow to request the disbursement of University funds via the PandA system.  This system is the University’s preferred mechanism for requesting the disbursement of University funds for student prizes, awards, stipends, and fellowships.  It also details the steps for using the PandA system, rather than Workday, to set up students as Suppliers for other types of disbursements (e.g., expense reimbursements).

2. Appropriate Scenarios and Preparation Steps for Using PandA

The PandA system facilitates the processing of several types of requests.  Those request scenarios and their associated preparation steps are discussed in the subsections below.

A. Set Up Student as a Supplier Only

For certain types of disbursements (e.g., expense reimbursements), students need to be set up as Suppliers in Workday.  As a streamlined and expedited alternative to using Workday directly, students may be set up as Workday Suppliers through the PandA system.  This allows students to receive disbursements via Workday-processed methods (e.g., Supplier Invoice Request).  To prepare for setting up a student as a Supplier through the PandA system, gather the information detailed on the PandA Data Entry Template instruction tab, as it will be necessary to process a request.

B. Set Up Student as a Supplier and Request Disbursement

The PandA system facilitates the entire process for setting up students as Suppliers and requesting the disbursement of funds for student prizes, awards, stipends, and fellowships.  To prepare for creating such a request, gather the information detailed on the PandA Data Entry Template instruction tab, as it will be necessary to process a request.

C. Request Disbursement for a Student Already Set Up as a Supplier

Students may have already received disbursements or otherwise have been set up as Suppliers.  In that case, the PandA system facilitates the process for requesting a new disbursement of funds for student prizes, awards, stipends, and fellowships without setting up the student as a new Supplier.  To prepare for creating such a request, gather the information detailed on the PandA Data Entry Template instruction tab, as it will be necessary to process a request.

3. Creating and Processing a PandA Request

Requestors who have determined that a PandA request is appropriate and completed the preparation steps (as detailed in Section 2, above) may create a request by accessing the system: PandA.  The request Preparer is responsible for providing (and responsible for obtaining from the Requestor, if the Requestor is different than the Preparer) the information requested by the instructions within the system.  The Preparer is also responsible for following the instructions within the system to process the request.  This includes using the “Validate” button in the system, which generates an email to the Preparer indicating whether any validation errors exist.  If there are errors detected, the Preparer is responsible for correcting the errors before continuing with the request.  (Note: if the validation errors pertain to an existing Supplier record, it may be necessary to request changes to the Workday record via the processes detailed in Procedure 3401 PR.01 Supplier Setup and Change.)

Once the Preparer has verified the information for the request, a departmental Approver is responsible for reviewing the request and, if appropriate, approving the request by using the “Validate and Approve” button in the system.  For purposes of the PandA system, departmental Approvers include individuals with the following Workday Roles:

  • Cost Center P2P Approver – $1K;
  • Cost Center P2P Approver – $10K; and
  • Cost Center P2P Approver – Unlimited.

The individual who ultimately approves a request with any of the above roles is responsible for adhering to the Approver Responsibilities detailed in Policy 1101 Guiding Principles for University Operations and Procedure 1101 PR.06 Approval Authority.

After a request is submitted using the “Validate and Approve” button, it either creates a new Supplier record or uses an existing Supplier record (based on the information provided) to create a disbursement request.  Disbursement requests created through PandA route to Accounts Payable (“AP”) for processing.  Disbursements are typically available the following business day.  If department selects special handling of the check payment AP informs the Approver via email when the check is available for pick-up.  The Approver (or designee) may then pick up the check and provide it to the student.

A. Additional Approvals

Certain requests require additional review and approval prior to disbursement processing.  In such cases, AP routes the request via Workday for appropriate additional review and approval, as detailed in the table below:

Disbursement request details

Responsible for additional review and approval

  • All PandA requests ≥ $100,000

Director of AP (or designee)

  • Check disbursements ≥ $100,000

University Controller (or designee)