Submit for IACUC Review

Managing Animal Protocols & Studies (MAPS)


For new protocols, please contact the Protocol Liaison for assistance (department assignments). Each academic Department is assigned a Protocol Liaison and Research Specialist pair to provide focused support to all the Principal Investigators and staff within each research department. 

3-Year Renewal

A 3-Year Renewal is a de novo review of the type of protocol which was originally submitted to the IACUC. As required by federal regulations, the IACUC is required to conduct a complete review of the protocol activity(ies) at least once every three years.  Therefore, the renewal should be submitted every three years to continue the research described on the current approved protocol. 

Exceptions to online submission

Field Studies: Submit paper
Custom Antibody Protocols: Submit paper

The 3-Year Renewal should be submitted to the IACUC via MAPS, no later than 90 days prior to the protocol expiration. 

The Protocol Liaisons will be in contact with you approximately 4 months prior to the expiration date of your protocol. 


An annual review is mandated by the Animal Welfare Act & Regulations and must be completed for all protocols that utilize species covered the USDA.
The Yale IACUC no longer requires annual reviews for protocols with species not covered by the USDA.  In lieu of an annual review, investigators will be reminded after years 1&2 to update the IACUC on various protocol related topics.

Paper Applications

Protocols will continue to be maintained in the paper format (pdf) until it is due for 3-Year Renewal.  At that time, protocols will be required to be submitted into the online application Managing Animal Protocols and Studies (MAPS). 

Exceptions to online submission

Field Studies and Custom Antibody Protocols, please continue to submit paper applications for these protocol types.

Significant Modifications made to the paper protocol will use the paper Modification Form.  If applicable, the paper Special Instructions Form and the Request to Use Hazardous Agents Forms must be used.

Annual Review of the protocol will use the paper form for USDA covered species only.