FAQ's for Annual Disclosure
If you have technical problems, or questions regarding navigating through the Disclosure form, please contact the COI Call Center at (203) 737-5954. The Call Center is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
If you have questions about the form, how to use it, or anything else related to conflicts of interest, contact the Conflict of Interest Office at:
Conflict of Interest Office
25 Science Park - 3rd Floor
150 Munson Street
New Haven, CT
Phone 1: 203-785-4780
Phone 2: 203-785-4773
Phone 3: 203-785-4774
Phone 4: 203-785-2623
Fax: 203-785-4255
Email: conflicts@yale.edu
Please call the Conflict of Interest Office at 203–737-5954. You can also email your questions to conflicts@yale.edu.
A variety of events will trigger email notifications:
- Your disclosure was received: this notification will be sent immediately after you have submitted your disclosure.
- Your annual disclosure is up for renewal: you will receive these notifications when your annual disclosure is close to expiring and your disclosure should be recertified. The first notification will be sent 30 days before your disclosure expires and a second notification will be sent 15 days later if you don’t submit your disclosure.
- Your disclosure has expired: if your disclosure expires, you will receive a notification the day it expires. Additional notifications will be sent periodically until an annual disclosure has been submitted.
- Your annual disclosure is required: you will receive this notification if you are required to submit an annual disclosure and do not have a disclosure on file.
The disclosure due date is one year following the submission date of your last disclosure and will be listed on your Profile Homepage (External Interest Disclosure Form Login). You will also receive email notifications reminding you to submit your disclosure that will also list the date of your last submission. For a list of the notifications you may receive, please see the FAQ above “Why am I receiving email notifications?”
After your disclosure has been reviewed, it will be assigned a status. If you would like to see the status of your disclosure, please login to Workday Learning.
Yale and Federal regulation require the ongoing disclosure of all significant interests in order to maintain compliance with disclosure requirements. You must disclose at least annually (i.e., your disclosure anniversary date is one year from the signature date of your last disclosure) and within 30 days of acquiring a new significant financial interest (SFI). For PHS investigators this includes any new travel.
For Yale (Non-PHS, Non-NSF):
Prior to completing the annual disclosure, compile a list of your activities, financial interests and income received over the previous 12 months that exceeds $10,000. You may consider keeping a list throughout the year to assist you in completing the annual disclosure. Be sure to include the approximate number of days devoted to each activity so that your department chair or supervisor may review the overall commitment for potential Conflict of Commitment. You will also be asked to include any related interests of your spouse, or dependent children, as these may also present the appearance of a conflict or pose an actual conflict.
For PHS & PHS-like Sponsors:
Prior to completing the annual disclosure, compile a list of your activities, financial interests and income received over the previous 12 months that exceeds $5,000. You may consider keeping a list throughout the year to assist you in completing the annual disclosure. Be sure to include the approximate number of days devoted to each activity so that your department chair or supervisor may review the overall commitment for potential Conflict of Commitment. You will also be asked to include any related interests of your spouse, or dependent children, as these may also present the appearance of a conflict or pose an actual conflict. Remember any new SFIs, including travel, must be disclosed within 30 days of acquisition.
For NSF:
Prior to completing the annual disclosure, compile a list of your activities and income received over the previous 12 months and income or financial interests that you expect to receive or hold in the upcoming 12 months that exceeds $10,000. Be sure to include the approximate number of days devoted to each activity so that your department chair or supervisor may review the overall commitment for potential Conflict of Commitment. You will also be asked to include any related interests of your spouse, or dependent children, as these may also present the appearance of a conflict or pose an actual conflict.
For PHS & NSF:
Prior to completing the annual disclosure, compile a list of your activities and income received over the previous 12 months and income or financial interests that you expect to receive or hold in the upcoming 12 months that exceeds $5,000. Be sure to include the approximate number of days devoted to each activity so that your department chair or supervisor may review the overall commitment for potential Conflict of Commitment. You will also be asked to include any related interests of your spouse, or dependent children, as these may also present the appearance of a conflict or pose an actual conflict.
For your annual disclosure, you will receive email notifications reminding you that your annual disclosure will need to be submitted along with a link to access your disclosure. The email notification will also contain the date your disclosure will expire. Rather than creating a new disclosure each year for your entity detail, University activities and Intellectual property, the information you previously entered in your previous disclosure is saved and those responses will be automatically populated.
To recertify your disclosure, follow the steps below to recertify your disclosure:
- Log in to COI portal using your Yale NetID and password: External Interest Disclosure Form Login
- Your InfoEd Profile home page will display
- Click ‘Recertify or update disclosure’
- Answers from your previous disclosure are automatically populated
- Review your answers to the screening questions first
- If you have additional pages, please review each page to verify if your responses need to be updated
- Mark each page as complete
- Certify and submit your disclosure
You will be asked to provide a description of the intellectual property, describe the nature of your intellectual property, and indicate whether your intellectual property is related to your research, used in clinical practice, or directly involved in purchasing decision and provide a description of the relationship.
The conflict of commitment review process is separate from the conflict of interests review process. The annual disclosure captures the type of external activity and the number of days committed to each activity; this information is used for conflict of commitment purposes. The value of the external activities will not be reviewed for conflict of commitment purposes. Your Dean, Department Chair, or supervisor will review the overall commitment to these external activities with your University responsibilities. Since conflicts of commitment are handled within your department, they are not addressed by the Conflict of Interest Committee. Individuals who did not disclose any external activities or interests in his or her annual disclosure will not be reviewed for conflict of commitment.
You can navigate between pages anytime by clicking the page names in the navigation bar. You can use the navigation bar to move forward or backwards and return to pages you have already completed. Please note: if you check the “complete” box, you will be automatically directed to the next page in the disclosure form.
If you have completed your disclosure and want to preview it before it is submitted, preview your disclosure by clicking on each page in the navigation bar. When you have finished reviewing, click on the back to the certification page.
After you click the “submit” button on the certification page, the page will refresh and the date it was submitted and a PDF print icon will replace the “submit” button. You will also be sent an email notification confirming your disclosure has been successfully submitted.
If you click the “complete” button and get an error message, most likely the form has not been filled out completely and unanswered questions remain. Please review the page and answer all the questions.
If you try to submit your disclosure and get an error message, review the navigation bar at the top and ensure each page of the disclosure form has a green check mark next to it. If a page does not have a green check mark, please click on that page and complete all unanswered questions and check “complete”. If you still receive an error message, please contact the COI office.
Once a disclosure has been submitted, there are two options to print your disclosure. Please note: if your disclosure is still in progress and has not been completed and submitted, you will not be able to print the disclosure.
- Immediately after you have submitted your disclosure, you can print your disclosure from the certification page. Click the PDF icon at the bottom of the page and your completed disclosure will open in another window as a PDF.
- You can also print your disclosure from your profile homepage.
- Log in to COI portal using your Yale NetID and password: External Interest Disclosure Form Login
- On your homepage, click “View last disclosure”
- Your disclosure will open as a PDF
If you made a mistake and need to change a response, please use the same process to change an error as recertifying your annual disclosure.
- Log in to COI portal using your Yale NetID and password: External Interest Disclosure Form Login
- To re–open your disclosure, click “recertify or update disclosure”
- Answers from your previous disclosure are automatically populated
- Review each page and make any necessary changes
- After you review and/or update each page, check the “completed” button
- Once all pages have been marked complete, please certify and submit your disclosure
- Please note: you cannot revise a disclosure once it has been submitted without certifying and resubmitting
To log out of InfoEd when you are filling out your disclosure
Click on the ‘Save’ button located on the top left portion of the form and then close your browser window.
To log out of InfoEd when you are on the discloser profile page
Click on the ‘Exit’ button located on the top left portion of the form.