Internal Competition Procedures
Yale Internal Scholar Awards Competition Procedures
Step One
Internal Applications:
Required for all limited submission funding opportunities. View funding opportunities and LOI instructions.
Requirements typically include:
- PI name/department
- Tentative proposal title
- Project summary (2 pages)
- Letter of support from Department Chair or other member of leadership
The Internal Application is reviewed by internal Yale reviewers, selected based on each specific funding opportunity. These reviewers may include members of the Science Scholar Awards Committee as well as various Deans and other scientific leaders.
Important Considerations
Incomplete applications, applications from candidates who are ineligible for the competition, and applications not in the required format will not be forwarded to the Committee. The Scholar Awards Committee will review applications received by the deadline and will select Yale’s nominee(s). All applicants will be notified of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible after the Committee review.
Full agency guidelines and application forms will be provided to the nominee(s) selected by the Committee.
Tips for preparing your two-page description:
- The description should summarize your project succinctly, outlining its importance and its relevance to the specific competition for which you are applying.
- It should provide a broad overview of the project, the goals, the hypotheses to be tested, and approaches and techniques to be used.
- You will want to outline briefly the specific aims, i.e. the things you plan to accomplish during the project period; be sure to describe concisely the research design and the methods to be used in the project.
- Avoid jargon.
- Do not assume that the application will be read and critiqued by reviewers in your own field of study. Remember that the application will be read and reviewed by a panel of physicians and scientists with expertise across a broad spectrum of medicine and science.
- When you’re finished writing the two-page description, ask someone outside your specialty to read your description to make sure that it is intelligible to a physician or scientist working in an area of research other than your own.