Sponsored Projects Training
Research Administrator Training
Sponsored Projects Research Administrator training is designed for those working in department business offices who are responsible for, or involved with, the administration of sponsored awards. Please email us with questions and visit Workday Learning to register for trainings.
For an overview of key terms and definitions, refer to The ABCs of Sponsored Projects.
Our website also contains information and Quick Guides regarding Integrated Research Enterprise Solution Proposal Development (otherwise known as IRES PD.)
We also offer Sponsored Projects training for Faculty and Sponsored Projects training specific to Funding and Grantsmanship.
Have a training need? Request edits to an existing training or request the creation of a new sponsored projects training.
View Suggested Training Tracks Submit a Training Suggestion
Research Administrator Training by Topic Area
*Training offered by Yale School of Medicine
An in-depth overview of the Account Holder Report (AHR), providing users with instructions on running and reviewing a package of reports with detailed and summarized financial transaction activity.
Access the Account Holder Report Overview training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: This presentation is designed for advanced users, who are familiar with running the Account Holder Reports, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the content and application of the Account Holder Report.
This module provides critical information for sponsored project administrators responsible for financial reporting and the close out of sponsored awards, including sponsor requirements and University processes supporting these functions.
Access Financial Reporting and Closeout of Sponsored Awards training
Prerequisite: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
(Previously: Subaward Management Overview)
*Training offered by Yale School of Medicine
This course is designed for finance staff who review or approve subaward invoices on both Federal and non-Federal grant funding. It provides end-users with an in-depth overview of policy and procedures around the approval of subaward invoices.
Upon completion participants will know how to:
- Identify the steps required to process a subaward invoice
- Classify the roles within invoice processing and define their duties and responsibilities
- Resolve invoice content issues
- Explain the difference between a subrecipient relationship and a vendor relationship
- Review and approve subrecipient invoices on time and accurately
- Generate Workday reports to review subaward invoices
- Distribute prepayments to a subrecipient
Access the Subaward Management Overview training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Finance staff who review or approve subaward invoices on both Federal and non-Federal grant funding.
This module provides individuals with an understanding of Yale’s policies and procedures concerning the allowability and allocation of costs associated with sponsored awards.
To successfully complete this course, you’ll need to pass the Allocating Allowable Costs online quiz, which is linked at the end of the training.
Access the Allocating Allowable Costs training
Prerequisite: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
Instructor-led and online training modules cover the same information. Instructor-led sessions are designed for those who prefer an interactive learning environment and are interested in participating in class discussions. Feel free to ask questions and share relevant experiences in class.
(Previously: Cost Allocation Methodology)
*Training offered by Yale School of Medicine
An in-depth review of cost allocation methodologies for the support of purchases on sponsored awards. Learners are highly encouraged to have taken Intro to Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) AND Allocating Allowable Costs – Online before completing this module.
Access the Cost Allocation Methodology training
Recommended Prerequisite: Intro to Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) AND Allocating Allowable Costs – Online
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects.
This short video reviews the rules regarding mandatory cost-sharing, voluntary cost sharing, voluntary uncommitted cost sharing, in-kind/matching and charging effort commitments to an award.
Access Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects (Self-paced video, approx 5 minutes.)
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
This module provides training for the processing of both labor and non-labor cost transfers. Course objectives are to increase awareness and understanding of Federal regulations related to cost transfers, to provide a thorough understanding of Yale’s policies and procedures, and the process to properly and efficiently prepare, document, approve, and submit a cost transfer.
To successfully complete this course, you’ll need to pass the Cost Transfer Principles online quiz, which is linked at the end of the training.
Access the Cost Transfer Principles training
Prerequisites: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration and Allocating Allowable Costs
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
Instructor-led and online training modules cover the same information. Instructor-led sessions are designed for those who prefer an interactive learning environment and are interested in participating in class discussions. Feel free to ask questions and share relevant experiences in class.
This module is available to participants who are interested in learning more about the direct charging of administrative type costs to sponsored awards. The learning objectives for this course are to increase awareness of Yale’s research policies and procedures, provide an understanding of when acceptable exceptions may exist, and provide information on how to appropriately document exceptions.
To successfully complete this course, you’ll need to pass the Direct Charging of F&A Costs online quiz, which is linked at the end of the training.
Access the Direct Charging of F&A Costs on Sponsored Awards training
Prerequisite: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
Instructor-led and online training modules cover the same information. Instructor-led sessions are designed for those who prefer an interactive learning environment and are interested in participating in class discussions. Feel free to ask questions and share relevant experiences in class.
This module explains the restrictions involved when making foreign flight reservations that will be charged to federal awards, reviews how to avoid booking inappropriate flights, and provides tools and resources to help PIs and business offices remain compliant with the Fly America Act and Open Skies Agreements.
Access the Fly America and Open Skies Agreement training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
*Training offered by Yale School of Medicine
The Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI) Clinical Research Training Program is an opportunity for faculty and clinical research staff to ensure that research is carried out appropriately and efficiently.
*Training offered by Yale School of Medicine
FDA’s annual 3-day training course for clinical investigators focuses on non-clinical, early clinical, and phase 3 studies; issues in the design and analysis of trials; safety and ethical considerations; and FDA’s regulatory requirements related to the performance and evaluation of clinical studies. Attendees have the unique opportunity of hearing directly from FDA’s nationally renowned experts on issues critical to successful clinical research. The course is designed for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other health care professionals involved in clinical trials.
*Training offered by Yale School of Medicine
This course provides training in Good Clinical Practice (GCP) through the Good Clinical Practice (US FDA Focus) web-based program on the CITI website. The course can be used to meet the requirements of sponsors or funding agencies requiring that researchers who conduct clinical research demonstrate knowledge of good clinical practices.
*Training is offered by Yale School of Medicine
This is an online delivered training course for investigators and key personnel performing research with human subjects.
Researchers who need to complete the Human Subject Continuing Education Requirement can choose additional training modules by clicking on the Alternates Available.
This module provides resources supporting effective clinical trial budgeting, describes associated costs, demonstrates how to prepare an internal budget, identifies hidden costs, describes elements of a sponsor’s budget, and describes post award activities related to payment and budget changes.
Access the Clinical Trial Budgeting training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
*Training offered by Yale School of Medicine
YSM’s Medical Research Billing Compliance website seeks to ensure that medical researchers employ proper billing practices. The website has many resources available about how to bill for services provided as part of a research study and about the laws and regulations governing the billing procedure.
*Training offered by Yale School of Medicine
Workday at Yale Training Guides are available on the topics of Effort Certification Work Area, Certifiers, Reviewers, and Reporting. Links to each guide are available on the Effort Reporting page.
(Previously titled “Effort Reporting Principles”) This module provides administrators with a thorough understanding of the principles of effort reporting including the life-cycle of effort reporting, policies, regulations, key terms and concepts.
To successfully complete this course, you’ll need to attend class and pass the Principles of Effort Reporting quiz administered at the end of the training.
Access the Principles of Effort training
Prerequisite: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration
Audience: T>hose involved in the administration of sponsored projects
This live Zoom is an optional supplement to the Principles of Effort eLearning with an emphasis on Effort Certification. Subject Matter Experts will be expanding upon the course material by discussing Effort Certification case studies, Frequently Asked Questions, and audience Q&A.
Please come prepared with Effort Certification-related questions. You can also submit questions ahead of time to effort.reports@yale.edu.
If registration shows as full, be sure to join the waitlist as we are still determining capacity.
Access Principles of Effort: Ask the Expert Registration
Prerequisite: Principles of Effort
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects, specifically Effort Certification.
This online module explores export compliance laws, the laws and regulations which prohibit the unlicensed “export” of certain technologies (information, software, materials and other items) to foreign entities.
To successfully complete this course you’ll need to pass the Export Compliance quiz, a link to the quiz can be found at the end of the online training course.
Access the Export Compliance by CITI training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Those involved in the administration or research of sponsored projects
This virtual Instructor-Led Training (vILT) is designed to increase awareness of export controls and inform learners of noncompliance repercussions that could result in civil or criminal penalties. Export controls are U.S. laws and regulations governing the “export” of certain controlled technologies, services, and information to foreign nationals or entities for national security and foreign policy reasons. Export compliance regulations involve activities occurring both inside and outside the U.S. This course is offered by the Office of Export Controls and facilitated by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP).
Access the Export Compliance training
Audience: Yale employees involved in the export of controlled technologies, services, and/or information (inside and/or outside the US).
This eLearning provides step-by-step instructions for creating a Clinical Trial Agreement in IRES. It can be re-visited to serve as a reference.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply the procedure for creating a Clinical Trial Agreement
- Recognize the features of IRES and identify resources for assistance if needed
Access the IRES Agreements Module for Clinical Trials training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Research administration staff responsible for managing Clinical Trial Agreements in IRES
This eLearning is intended for research administrators who will be creating and submitting proposals using IRES PD. Staff resuming work in IRES after a hiatus are strongly encouraged to revisit this course as a refresher.
Prior to registering, check with your supervisor and obtain permission to attend this course. A registration process takes place prior to course access. We will be contacting your department to confirm the IRES access you require. Do not take this course if you only need PD for Clinical Trials, Contracts, RPPRs, or proposal tracking as we offer separate courses for each of those topics.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the features and navigation of IRES PD
- Apply the procedures for: Proposal initiation & creation (system to system and non-system to system), Entering budgets into the PD system, Certification and approval process overview, Child records
- Identify resources for assistance
Access the IRES Proposal Development training
Prerequisite: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects and need access to the IRES system
This eLearning provides step-by-step instructions for creating a contract record in IRES PD. This self-paced training involves walking through the user guide as you create your first few contract records in PD.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply the procedure for creating contract records in IRES PD
- Recognize the features of IRES PD and identify resources for assistance if needed
Access the IRES Proposal Development (PD) for Contracts training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Research administration staff responsible for creating contract records. If you are looking for instructions for Principal Investigators (PIs) or Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) staff, access the full guide.
This online course provides an overview of the IRES* Proposal Tracking (PT) environment including navigation, search functionality, and field definitions. Users are encouraged to open IRES PT and click along with the course to become familiar with navigating in the PT environment. This presentation will still be useful if you do not yet have PT access.
* IRES: Integrated Research Enterprise Solution
Access the IRES Proposal Tracking training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
This eLearning provides step-by-step instructions for creating a Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) child record in IRES Proposal Development (PD). It can be re-visited to serve as a reference when creating an RPPR child record.
Access the Proposal Development (PD) for NIH RPPRs training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Research administration staff responsible for managing RPPR child records.
Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration (Intro to SPA) provides an overview of the sponsored award process from pre-award through post award and closeout. This eLearning must be completed in one sitting, as Workday Learning does not save progress between sessions and any progress will be lost. The estimated duration for this course is: 1.5-2hrs.
Learning Objectives:
- Recall award basics and terminology
- Understand proposal preparation, submission, negotiation, & acceptance on an introductory level
- Recognize the processes of award setup and managing the award
- Understand regulatory compliance on an introductory level
- Familiarity with reporting obligations, award closeout, and audits
Access the Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration training
Prerequisite: none
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
This short video reviews the eligibility requirements for becoming a Principal Investigator (PI), including employee status, eligible ranks, required training, Patent Policy Acknowledgement Agreement (PPAA) certification, and required documents.
Access PI Eligibility: Who Can Be a PI? (self-paced, approx 5-10 minutes)
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects and interested in becoming a PI
This half-day session is designed to walk attendees through the principles of research compliance concentrating on what business administrators need to know about research involving animals, human research studies, conflict of interest, environmental health and safety, and export controls.
To successfully complete this course, you’ll need to attend class and pass the Research Compliance Principles for Administrators quiz administered at the end of the training.
Access the Research Compliance Principles for Administrators training
Prerequisite: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
This module provides a comprehensive understanding of Yales policies and procedures related to subrecipients and includes topics such as the roles and responsibilities of the PI and administrators throughout the subaward process, the difference between a subrecipient and a vendor relationship, the requirements for subrecipient monitoring, the processing of subrecipient invoices and where to locate resources to assist in the subaward process.
To successfully complete this course, you’ll need to pass the Subrecipient Basics and Monitoring online quiz administered at the end of the training.
Training materials are currently being updated to reflect Workday business processes and will be online again soon. If you have any questions contact: osp.trainings@yale.edu.
Access the Subrecipient Basics and Monitoring training
Prerequisite: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects
Instructor-led and online training modules cover the same information. Instructor-led sessions are designed for those who prefer an interactive learning environment and are interested in participating in class discussions. Feel free to ask questions and share relevant experiences in class.
This online module is designated for lab staff and lab staff managers identified by business offices as having a responsibility for purchasing goods and services for a sponsored award. It is designed to raise awareness of University and sponsor policies and regulations and introduce the attendee to tools that support the management of sponsored projects. Topics covered include roles and responsibilities, allowability of costs, allocating allowable costs, purchasing strategies, travel charges, and record retention.
To successfully complete this course, you’ll need to take the online training and pass the online quiz administered at the end of the training.
Access the What Research Staff Need to Know About Spending Sponsored Projects Funds training
Prerequisite: None
Audience: Lab staff responsible for purchasing
This course is designed to provide DBOs (department business offices) with the information and tools needed to better understand the unique requirements of NIH Career Development Awards (CDAs), commonly referred to as “K” Awards. This course will cover the lifecycle of the proposal and K Award process, types of K Awards, effort requirements, RPPRs and more.
Access the NIH K Award Fundamentals training
Prerequisite: Introduction to Sponsored Projects Administration
Audience: Those involved in the administration of K Awards
This self-paced online training provides the steps necessary to create the NIH Other Support JIT and RPPR submissions, including use of the Third-Party Agreements Library and creating the Other Support Page.
Access the Other Support Page and Third-Party Agreements Library training
Audience: Those involved in the administration of sponsored projects.
Visit the Workday@Yale Sponsored Awards training website to view training materials related to sponsored award business processes performed in Workday.
The Second Research Administrator Day took place on September 18, 2024, at West Campus. Research administrators across Yale had the ability to learn, network, and connect with colleagues both in-person and virtually. Presentation slides are available to view via OneDrive link.
The Inaugural Research Administrator Day took place on September 13, 2023 at West Campus. Research administrators across Yale had the ability to learn, network, and connect with colleagues both in-person and virtually. Presentation slides are available to view via Yale Box.
Access the 2023 Research Administrator Day Slides
This webinar discusses best practices related to the Award Budget Setup (ABS) form. A panel of subject matter experts shares insight on how to fill out the form for optimal set up.
View the webinar (04/03/24) (33 minutes)
View the resources
This webinar provides an overview of YCCI Activation Services, including when YCCI use is required with a deeper focus on YCCI budget services, rates, and YCCI budgeting and rate justification tools.
View the webinar (06/26/24) (29 minutes 18 seconds)
View the presentation
This webinar will focus on the process of proposing, tracking and reporting of cost share. This lesson expands upon the 2023 RA Day Cost Share presentation.
View the webinar (10/12/23) (38minutes)
View the presentation
This webinar focuses on key changes within the Cost Transfer policy, procedures, forms and the Workday systems.
View the webinar (2/22/24) (59 minutes)
View the presentation (2/22/24)
Items discussed in this panel include:
- Understanding high risk subrecipients
- Pain points at the time of proposal development, subaward development, and post-award management (especially invoice issues,)
View the webinar (10/24/24) (1 hour 20 minutes)
View the presentation
Amid systems, processes, and federal regulations, managing subawards can be a challenge. Yale provides a breadth of resources to navigate potential obstacles and assist DBOs. In this webinar, we will discuss current hot topics in subaward management, as well as review common issues.
Participants will…
- Learn how Yale is addressing the forthcoming NIH regulations on foreign subrecipients
- Discover common errors in subrecipient invoices and processing
- Review the tools available to Yale DBOs to assist with subaward management and compliance
View the webinar (12/7/23) (48 minutes)
View the presentation
Title | Webinar/Presentation |
Bridging Success: Navigating from Proposal to Post-Award Triumph From idea to reality: The bridge from proposal submission to project management is an important transition. This session delves into the best practices necessary to set awards on a path to post-award success. While the excitement of winning can feel rewarding, it signals the kickoff of long-haul award management. Diligent attention, management, and communication can ensure the project adheres to sponsor and institutional guidelines. This session promises to be an invaluable resource for research administrators, project managers, and researchers, providing attendees with the real-world tools and knowledge necessary to transition their projects from proposal to post-award. |
View the presentation (12/05/24) |
Export Controls for the Research Administrator Ever wondered what export controls are? Have you seen a grant or contract term referencing EAR, ITAR or OFAC and didn’t know what that meant? We (2 export control professionals) will give you the fundamentals and the tools to recognize export control concerns in the grants life cycle. We’ll explain the basics behind the regulations and walk through red flags that further analysis by a knowledgeable export controls resource is likely warranted. Lastly, the webinar will describe a few hypothetical case studies that we’ll break down. |
View the webinar (11/19/2024) (2 hours 23 minutes) |
Culture of Compliance: What is it and How to Develop One To navigate this ever-changing environment, it is important for institutions to focus on developing a “culture of compliance” by creating an organizational environment where following regulatory and ethical obligations is a highly valued expectation. In this webinar we will discuss this concept in greater detail and discuss practical ideas on how to achieve a true “Culture of Compliance”. In this webinar we will discuss this concept in greater detail and discuss practical ideas on how to achieve a true “Culture of Compliance”. |
View the webinar (10/08/2024) (2 hours 4 minutes) |
The RPPR Matrix - Decoding and Problem Solving the NIH Progress Report System Completing an RPPR can be a daunting challenge especially if one is new to the process. This webinar goes through an actual Progress Report (RPPR), section by section in detail explaining the requirements that NIH will review. The webinar addresses the common errors and warnings and how to avoid the common pitfalls that result in a late submission or a non-compliant RPPR that can result in further inquiry from NIH. In addition, you will learn about the difference between SNAP and Non-SNAP RPPRs, Multiple component RPPRs, completion of the Budget Section H for applicable activity codes and dive into HSS/ASSIST for Human Subjects reporting requirements. |
View the webinar (9/30/2024) (2 hours 30 minutes) |
The Art of Leadership, Communication Skills, and the Importance of People In times of national or institutional crises, your communication skills are critical for leadership. Communication skills underscore the critical role that people play in ensuring your success as an effective research administrator. View this insightful webinar to learn from the collective wisdom of our panel of seasoned research administrators, who have navigated numerous challenges and emerged stronger. Their experience and strategies will provide valuable lessons on how to lead effectively and foster a resilient team. |
View the webinar (9/12/24) (2 hours 33 minutes) |
NSPM-33 and the CHIPS Act Requirements: Current Status and Options for Implementation and Communications This webinar will provide the latest information on NSPM-33 and relevant CHIPS Act research security requirements. University-wide awareness and engagement are critical for developing an effective program. Webinar leads will discuss how they have garnered institutional support for creating or updating university policy and processes in preparation for meeting NSPM-33 standards and elicit successful strategies from participants. |
View the webinar (8/08/24) (3 hours 16 minutes) |
Research (In)security: Preparation for the Elusive Final Rule(s) and the (Im)balance of Agency Implementations This webinar discusses recent updates from different agencies, as well as key legislative developments, enforcement activity, and their potential implications for our institutions. Presenters discuss common compliance challenges and explore what steps institutions may consider as they prepare themselves to establish a robust research security program. This session is facilitated by both institutional leaders from large research institutions as well as outside counsel and higher education consultants. |
View the webinar (7/23/24) (2 hours 24 minutes) |
Building Complex Proposal Budgets - Proposal Preview and Tips on Direct Cost Budgeting In this webinar, participants will learn how to develop complex budgets for large research center projects. Topics covered will include a presentation on how different costs can be supported through campus-wide policy development and resource planning tools. The presentation will end with a deep dive by building a sponsor budget task-by-task and aligning that budget to schedule milestones and tasks. |
View the webinar (05/29/24) (2 hours and 5 minutes) |
NSPM-33 Compliance: Are you Ready? This session will provide a broad overview of the proposed NSPM-33 program requirements. We will discuss which requirements are least likely to change and which have the greatest potential to change before the final guidance is released. We will host a dialogue about what participants are doing at their own institutions to prepare and where they are holding off. Finally, we will offer some ideas for how to start or keep the conversation going at your home institution. |
View the webinar (04/11/24) (1 hour 53 minutes) |
NSF Fundamentals Virtual Workshop This workshop provides a primary basis of understanding of proposals to and awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The program is perfect for someone new to research administration, as well as for research administrators seeking to expand their knowledge of federal funding agencies. The curriculum provides an overview of the policies and procedures essential to preparing successful proposals to and managing grant awards from NSF. |
View the webinar (3/20/24) (3 hours) |
Get Control over Subrecipient Monitoring Controls This webinar explores the internal controls framework for subrecipient monitoring based on federal regulations. By close examination of the rules, this session breaks down the requirements (“must!”) vs. the nice to haves (“should!”) and how to create a compliant institutional framework. |
View the webinar (2/20/2024) (148 minutes) |
Better Together: When Pre-Award Becomes a Post-Award Activity This session will incorporate multiple perspectives including those from central offices, departments, and principal investigators, to review common and preventable Post-Award issues and best proactive strategies on how to prevent them in the Pre-Award process. |
View the webinar (2/7/24) (2 hours 28 minutes) |
Title | Webinar/Presentation |
NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy: Budgeting and Application Tips and Tricks (or Treat?) The new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy, effective on January 25, 2023, requires a Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMS Plan) for ALL NIH-funded projects that generate scientific data. Join us for a discussion of strategies to support researchers in confidently navigating the requirements of this new policy and opportunities to optimize the efficiency of institutional processes while maintaining compliance. We will also discuss common costs associated with data management and sharing activities and approaches for working with researchers to develop realistic budgets for implementing their DMS Plans. |
View the webinar (10/30/23) (2 hour 25 minutes) |
Implementing and Managing International Proposal Development and International Subawards We live in a global economy - international collaborations are necessary to pool knowledge and resources in order to tackle global research challenges. These global collaborations come with increased risks – in addition to working with entities subjects to different laws and security, other geopolitical factors are layered on to make navigation trickier. How can we foster these collaborations and help our researchers and institutions remain compliant? How do we balance adequate risk assessment with efficient management of subrecipients? In this session, we’ll cover the whole project lifecycle, starting with proposal development, moving to agreement negotiation and subrecipient monitoring, and through closeout. |
View the webinar (9/13/23) (2 hour 18 minutes) |
NIH Fundamentals Workshop This workshop provides a primary basis of understanding of applications to and awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This workshop will give you the basics and we will walk you through the grants process, and give you an overview of key resources and websites you will need to be successful. The program is perfect for someone new to Research Administration, as well as for Research Administrators seeking to expand their knowledge of NIH. The curriculum provides an overview of the policies and procedures essential to preparing successful applications to and managing grant awards from the NIH. |
View the webinar (8/9/23) (3 hours 26 minutes) |
Strategies for Working with Investigators: Crucial, Critical, Courageous Conversations Research administrators live with dual roles, serving to facilitate our investigators’ research while also monitoring compliance with sponsor and university regulations. The work we do to assist investigators with their proposals and awards helps build a relationship that engenders trust. That trust, however fragile, supports our interactions when difficult communications are necessary. Trust is definitely the starting point for potentially contentious meetings, but it is not sufficient by itself. If conflict, anger, or resentment arise, research administrators will need tools to listen to each investigator’s perspective, to calmly convey their own messages, to gain understanding of opposing positions, and to offer options to investigators. This session will provide insight into the special pressures facing our investigators; offer suggestions on building positive relationships; discuss ideas for handling instances of conflict and anger; and present tips for best practices in your communications. The webinar will include time for questions, suggestions, and anecdotes. |
View the webinar (7/24/23) (2 hours 25 minutes) |
Alice and the Terms & Conditions Rabbit Hole Managing all the terms and conditions, agency guidelines, and federal regulations for an award may seem less than straightforward. We will take a trip down the terms and conditions rabbit hole, meet Alice’s friends, and learn how they all get along in their unorthodox world. Together, we will learn to navigate the hierarchy of conflicting terms without being late to the party! In this webinar we will use real life examples to understand how to navigate our way through the terms and conditions rabbit hole. Participants will learn to identify applicable terms and conditions for an award and learn how to determine which terms to follow when there are conflicts. Prerequisites: Participants will need to be able to navigate a sponsor award notice; familiarity with sponsor/agency guidelines. |
View the webinar (7/6/23) (2 hour 33 minutes) |
Cost Transfers: Evaluating your Current Procedures to Mitigate Risk Cost transfers are always an area of high scrutiny. While the simplest suggestion is to prevent them altogether, in many cases they are unavoidable. This webinar explores the federal requirements surrounding cost transfers and examines how two different institutions have implemented policies to monitor compliance and mitigate the risk associated with these types of transactions. This webinar discusses ways to ensure all cost transfers are appropriate, timely, and most importantly, sufficiently documented. |
View the webinar (5/22/23) (2 hour 25 minutes) |
Current and Pending/Other Support/NIH and NSF Senior Personnel Documents: Updates to Requirements and Institutional Approaches Over the last several years, federal agencies have worked to clarify disclosure requirements, partly due to directives in federal law and policy. Charged by the National Science and Technology Council’s Research Security Subcommittee, NIH and NSF have been leading a multi-agency effort to create common disclosure forms, which include the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support. This webinar covers the context in which NIH and NSF have made updates to these formats, as well as go through specific changes made to each agency’s forms. Jean and Michelle share the current state of the multi-agency efforts and talk about the future of their agencies’ formats. The webinar will also describe institutional approaches to updated agency requirements. |
View the webinar (4/25/23) (1 hour 43 minutes) |
NCURA Agency Day: National Institute of Health (NIH) Update Do not miss this opportunity to hear about what is new and what is being developed within the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) programs, policies, and budgets. In this comprehensive review, participants will learn about the newest policy updates and how their respective institutions may be impacted. Upon completion of the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about new and existing policies and procedures. Topics include recent and upcoming changes to NIH policy, compliance requirements, and so much more! |
NCURA Agency Day: National Science Foundation (NSF) Update This session will cover updates to the NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1) including revisions to the biographical sketch and current and pending support, and the transition to Research.gov for proposal preparation and submission. |
NCURA Agency Day: Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA) Q&A Join panelists from the NIH Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA) for a discussion of common questions from the community related to data sharing, disclosures, other support and foreign interference. |
Subawards: Sense and Sensibility Subrecipient monitoring is a delicate balance between maintaining compliance and facilitating collaboration. This webinar provides an overview of the subaward lifecycle, with a focus on monitoring components throughout the process. It clarifies subtle distinctions in policy and practice and provides tools for effective risk management. |
View the webinar (2/16/23) (1 hour 30 minutes) |
National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 - Best Practices and Lessons Learned View this panel to learn the latest information and timelines on NSPM-33 guidance. The panel discusses the guidance and recent updates, focusing on the requirements of Research Security programs. |
View the webinar (2/13/23) (1 hour 33 minutes) |
Better Together: When Pre-Award Becomes a Post-Award Activity This session will incorporate multiple perspectives including those from central offices, departments, and principal investigators, to review common and preventable Post-Award issues and best proactive strategies on how to prevent them in the Pre-Award process. |
View the webinar (2/7/24) (2 hours 28 minutes) |
Cost Scare Share: The Good, the Bad and the Horror! Cost sharing can be a challenge to research administrators, new and old, and it can present a lot of burdens, some may say horror! This webinar is designed to provide an overview and share horror stories and tips for navigating cost share across the lifecycle, including at the proposal, award receipt, award management, and closeout stages. View this webinar to learn from real-life case studies and make cost-sharing less of a nightmare! This presentation will help attendees define cost sharing, identify the types of cost sharing, explain how cost sharing can go wrong, and touch on best practices and experiences from the presenters’ time in research administration, as well as the After the Show for discussion and Q&;A! |
View the webinar (1/26/23) (1 hour 32 minutes) |
Having trouble viewing on Stream? Access the full NCURA Webinars recordings playlist.