Words of gratitude honor veterans of all wars

Add your words of gratitude to the ones below:

For your sacrifices, big and small, I want to thank you for putting the safety, security, and well being of others in front of yourself.
Carol Migdalski, Molecular Biophysics and BioChemistry

Thanks to my grandpa, William Joseph Podrasky, for the part he played in the Navy during World War I.
Linda Clarke, Internal Communications

Thank you to all who served, are still serving as enlisted or reserve, and to the military families who sacrifice so much when a loved one is on duty.
Christina Woodford, Library

I am so blessed by your sacrifice and service to our country. Thank you. I am also grateful for your family, who gave you to service.
Kate Reynolds, Internal Communications

Thank you and your families for your sacrifice and service to our nation.
Ellen Cosgrove, Law School