Types of Leaves
Staff leave of absence requests (with the exception of Workers’ Compensation, Personal, Family Domestic Violence, and Sabbatical) must first be routed through The Standard. If you have a need to take time away from work for one of the reasons outlined below, you may be eligible to take a leave of absence.
Own Serious Health Condition
Serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves an incapacity or inability to work, go to school, or perform other regular daily activities. Please refer to Yale’s Staff Workplace Policies for a detailed definition of Serious Health Condition.
Important: On 1/1/2022, the Connecticut Paid Family and Medical leave (PFML) launched. This state-run program provides income replacement for those on an approved own health medical leave, but individuals must apply to the State of Connecticut in order to receive the benefit. Submit a claim on the CT Paid Leave website.
Note that individuals who work in a state other than Connecticut which has implemented a PFML program must apply for state benefits through that state’s process.
An approval for leave by The Standard does not mean you will be approved for income replacement by the state of Connecticut. Note that the state requires you to apply for pay benefits 30 days in advance of foreseeable leaves, and as soon as practicable for unforeseen leaves.
Staff must identify, up front, if they would like to use paid time off accruals or not. When you apply for a leave, The Standard will ask if you would like to use your paid time off accruals and they will communicate this decision to Yale’s Absence team. For continuous leaves, accruals can be used in full days or half days, and will be applied in the default order as outlined within the “Income Replacement Programs” section of the website. If you would prefer not to use your paid time off, you must communicate that to The Standard. For intermittent or reduced schedule leaves, accruals can be used, or not. If you are receiving partial pay or no pay from Yale, you may be eligible for income from the state PFML program. Please note that staff on a leave may not receive more than 100% of salary from the combination of PFML, Yale pay and/or any other source of income (STD insurance).
Note that once you make the election on how to use your accruals, it cannot be reversed. As part of the PFML process, the state requires employers to identify staff use of accruals on the Employer Verification form. Changes made to accrual usage after being reported would result in inaccurate reporting to the state and cannot occur.
M&Ps may be eligible for University-paid benefits, such as short-term disability.
If you qualify for University-paid short-term disability, the University will reduce Yale-provided compensation by the amount of funding you are eligible to receive through the PFML program, when applicable. In other words, Yale-provided compensation will only supplement the state benefit to bring a staff member to 100% of their regular weekly pay. M&Ps receiving University-paid STD must apply for PFML income replacement through the state’s process as soon as possible, but no later than within the first month of taking a leave of absence. Once approved, the state will pay its portion of income replacement directly to the staff member. In no case may a staff member on a leave receive more than 100% of salary.
A note for M&Ps with multiple state claims in one year’s timeframe: When you apply for University-paid Short-term disability, and you have already collected state PFML within the same year, you must provide a proof of earnings statement from the state, to Yale’s Benefits department. This is to ensure that the offsets for a STD claim are correctly allocated. In the absence of documentation, Yale will assume you are collecting state PFML for the full duration of 12 weeks, and reduce Yale-paid earnings accordingly. Upon receipt of a state benefits statement, Yale will adjust your earnings accordingly. If any overpayments occur, Yale reserves the right to recoup those funds. Coordination with State-paid leave programs is complicated, and we appreciate your patience as we navigate through the process.
Note, the state of Connecticut requires that staff members be allowed to keep 10 days of accruals in their bank but staff members may choose to use all of their accruals. If you have elected to use your all of your paid time off accruals, please contact the Absence Management office at employee.services@yale.edu.
Additional Notes
- Paid time off accruals can be used in full or half days (continuous leaves).
- If you are approved for a University-paid benefit, such as the M&P’s short-term disability program, please apply for state Paid Family and Medical leave as soon as possible. Income will be reduced by the PFML amount.
- Accruals will be applied in the default order if used for a continuous leave, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- 10 days of accruals may be retained, or all accruals may be used upon request
- Leaves may be continuous, intermittent or reduced schedule.
- Leave is designated and tracked as Federal FMLA, and/or Connecticut FMLA if the leave meets the law’s respective eligibility requirements.
- Those not eligible for FMLA may be eligible for a continuous absence under the University recognized “non-FMLA” leave policy.
- Staff members who have exhausted FMLA or who are otherwise not eligible for FMLA, but have a need to take intermittent or reduced schedule time away from work may contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility to pursue a reasonable accommodation by emailing: equity@yale.edu.
Managerial and Professional
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work.
- Learn more about the M&P Short-term Disability (STD) program for income replacement through The Standard.
Clerical and Technical, Security
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work for 30 days.
- Learn more about the C&T Short-term Disability (STD) program for income replacement through Aflac.
Service and Maintenance
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work. Individuals may access new accruals when they are allocated in January.
- Learn more about the SM Short-term Disability (STD) program for income replacement through Aflac.
Police Officers
- Paid time off continues to accrue during the first 12 months of leave. Accruals accumulated while on leave can be accessed after returning to work for 30 days.
- Learn more about the Police Officer Short-term Disability (STD) program for income replacement through Aflac.
This leave is not administered by The Standard.
To apply for this leave, please consult your HR Business Partner.
A personal leave of absence is an unpaid, continuous voluntary leave from university employment initiated at the request of the individual staff member. Requests for personal leaves are reviewed on a case-by-case-basis and granted at the discretion of the supervisor and Human Resources. The review considers the reason for leave and the department’s operational needs. For more information, please contact your HR Business Partner, or see Yale’s workplace policies.
Family Domestic Violence
To apply for this leave, please either consult with employee.services@yale.edu or your HR Business Partner.
A leave is available for staff members experiencing violence in their family or relationship. Staff who are approved for this leave are eligible for 12 days per year for reasons including, but not limited to: medical care for an injury, counseling / mental health assistance, help from a domestic violence organization, attending court hearings. For more information, see the Connecticut Domestic Violence (Family Violence) page.
Effective January 1, 2022, Connecticut Paid Family Medical Leave provides income replacement benefits to eligible individuals who are taking leave under this statute. Individuals must apply to the State of Connecticut through their processes, in order to receive the benefit. Submit a Claim.
Caregiver Leave for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition
Caregiver Leave is a voluntary unpaid leave of absence to care for a relative with a serious health condition. This leave is granted only under the provisions of the FMLA. Please refer to Yale’s Staff Workplace Policies for a detailed definition of Caregiver Leave.
Important: On 1/1/2022, the Connecticut Paid Family and Medical leave (PFML) launched. This state-run program provides income replacement for those on an approved caregiver leave, but individuals must apply to the State of Connecticut in order to receive the benefit. Submit a Claim.
Note that individuals who work in a state other than Connecticut which has implemented a PFML program must apply for state benefits through that state’s process.
An approval for leave by The Standard does not mean you will be approved for income replacement by the state of Connecticut. Note that the state requires you to apply for pay benefits 30 days in advance of foreseeable leaves, and as soon as practicable for unforeseen leaves.
Staff must identify, up front, if they would like to use paid time off accruals or not. When you apply for a leave, The Standard will ask if you would like to use your paid time off accruals and they will communicate this decision to Yale’s Absence team. For continuous leaves, accruals can be used in full days or half days, and will be applied in the default order as outlined within the “Income Replacement Programs” section of the website. If you would prefer not to use your paid time off, you must communicate that to The Standard. For intermittent or reduced schedule leaves, accruals can be used, or not. If you are receiving partial pay or no pay from Yale, you may be eligible for income from the state PFML program. Please note that staff on a leave may not receive more than 100% of salary from the combination of PFML, Yale pay and/or any other source of income (STD insurance).
Note that once you make the election on how to use your accruals, it cannot be reversed. As part of the PFML process, the state requires employers to identify staff use of accruals on the Employer Verification form. Changes made to accrual usage after being reported would result in inaccurate reporting to the state and cannot occur.
Once approved, the state will pay its portion of income replacement directly to the staff member. In no case may a staff member on a leave receive more than 100% of salary.
Note, the state of Connecticut requires that staff members be allowed to keep 10 days of accruals in their bank but staff members may choose to use all of their accruals. If you have elected to use your all of your paid time off accruals, please contact the Absence Management office at employee.services@yale.edu.
Additional Notes
- Paid time off accruals can be used in full or half days (continuous leaves).
- Accruals will be applied in the default order if used for a continuous leave, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- 10 days of accruals may be retained, or all accruals may be used upon request
- Leaves may be continuous, intermittent or reduced schedule.
- Caregiver leaves are only permitted under FMLA (not the University recognized “non-FMLA” policy). If you are not eligible for FMLA but still need to take time away for a caregiver situation, please consult with your HR Business Partner about options.
Managerial and Professional
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work.
Clerical and Technical, Security
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work for 30 days.
Service and Maintenance
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work. Individuals may access new accruals when they are allocated in January.
Police Officers
Paid time off continues to accrue during the first 12 months of leave. Accruals accumulated while on leave can be accessed after returning to work for 30 days.
Maternity leave is comprised of two separate, distinct leaves: Pregnancy Leave (for birth and recovery) and Child Rearing (for bonding with your newborn or newly adopted child).
Important: On 1/1/2022, the Connecticut Paid Family and Medical leave (PFML) launched. This state-run program provides income replacement for those on an approved pregnancy/childbirth leave, but individuals must apply to the State of Connecticut in order to receive the benefit. Submit a Claim.
Note that individuals who work in a state other than Connecticut which has implemented a PFML program must apply for state benefits through that state’s process.
An approval for leave by The Standard does not mean you will be approved for income replacement by the state of Connecticut. Note that the state requires you to apply for pay benefits 30 days in advance of foreseeable leaves, and as soon as practicable for unforeseen leaves.
Staff must identify, up front, if they would like to use paid time off accruals or not. When you apply for a leave, The Standard will ask if you would like to use your paid time off accruals and they will communicate this decision to Yale’s Absence team. For continuous leaves, accruals can be used in full days or half days, and will be applied in the default order as outlined within the “Income Replacement Programs” section of the website. If you would prefer not to use your paid time off, you must communicate that to The Standard. For intermittent or reduced schedule leaves, accruals can be used, or not. If you are receiving partial pay or no pay from Yale, you may be eligible for income from the state PFML program. Please note that staff on a leave may not receive more than 100% of salary from the combination of PFML, Yale pay and/or any other source of income (STD insurance).
Note that once you make the election on how to use your accruals, it cannot be reversed. As part of the PFML process, the state requires employers to identify staff use of accruals on the Employer Verification form. Changes made to accrual usage after being reported would result in inaccurate reporting to the state and cannot occur.
For M&P staff receiving University-paid short-term disability or parental pay, Yale will coordinate pay with the state and reduce income when applicable. In this instance, primary income comes from the state of Connecticut. Secondary income comes from Yale. While you are receiving income replacement that is University-paid, pay will be reduced by the amount of funding that you are eligible to receive from the state. The University will only supplement any benefits received through the PFML program with Yale-provided compensation, when applicable, so that the employee receives 100% of their regular weekly pay. M&P staff receiving short-term disability or parental pay must apply for PFML income replacement through the state’s process as soon as possible, but no later than within the first month of taking a leave of absence. Once approved, the state will pay its portion of income replacement directly to the staff member. In no case may a staff member on a leave receive more than 100% of salary.
A note for M&Ps with multiple state claims in one year’s timeframe: When you apply for University-paid Short-term disability, and you have already collected state PFML within the same year, you must provide a proof of earnings statement from the state, to Yale’s Benefits department. This is to ensure that the offsets for a STD claim are correctly allocated. In the absence of documentation, Yale will assume you are collecting state PFML for the full duration of 12 weeks, and reduce Yale-paid earnings accordingly. Upon receipt of a state benefits statement, Yale will adjust your earnings accordingly.If any overpayments occur, Yale reserves the right to recoup those funds. Coordination with State-paid leave programs is complicated, and we appreciate your patience as we navigate through the process.
Note, the state of Connecticut requires that staff members be allowed to keep 10 days of accruals in their bank but staff members may choose to use all of their accruals. If you have elected to use your all of your paid time off accruals, please contact the Absence Management office at employee.services@yale.edu.
Managerial and Professional
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work.
What is the type of leave, and how is my absence protected? |
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Under Yale Policy |
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy, CT Pregnancy Act |
Child Rearing/Bonding Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy |
How long can I be out? |
Under Yale’s maternity leave program, you may choose to begin your maternity leave 2 weeks prior to your due date |
8 weeks post-birth |
Up to 26 weeks This is one duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption. Leaves are generally continuous. Staff may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks. |
How will I receive pay? |
If you are approved for Short Term Disability (STD), you must utilize your sick accruals (or PTO, if no sick exists) during what is called the “Benefit Waiting period” during the first week. The second week commences STD payments reduced by applicable PFML wages. PFML benefits may be received in conjunction with other income replacement benefits, not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. Note that you must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org More about STD: |
Either sick accruals, or Short Term Disability. Disability coverage level may depend on whether or not you began Pregnancy Leave 2 weeks prior to your due date. Note that you must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org See maternity flyer for more information. More about STD: |
The first 8 weeks of an approved child rearing leave are paid by Yale reduced by applicable PFML benefits. Thereafter, you may use the accruals you had earned prior to taking the leave. Note that you must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org If you are in a paid status, you are eligible to access new accruals as they are earned. Use of the parental pay benefit is similar to using PTO. To be eligible for the parental pay benefit, the individual must be employed by Yale when the qualifying event (birth or adoption of a child) occurs and must be on an approved child rearing leave. |
What is the process to set up the leave? |
Staff may call The Standard and provide your delivery date, health care provider’s information (name, phone number and fax number), and the date you plan to begin the leave. Once the leave is requested, The Standard will send an Authorization to Release Health Information form to you in the mail. Please complete this form and return it to The Standard to expedite the processing of your maternity leave. Your consent allows The Standard to contact your provider to verbally confirm your delivery date. After you call The Standard, contact the state of Connecticut to apply for PFML benefits. ctpaidleave.org |
Same process as noted to the left in the “Pregnancy” column. After the baby is born, confirm the delivery date with The Standard. |
When you call The Standard to set up the maternity leave, they will calculate the number of weeks post-estimated birth to determine the start of your child rearing leave. If you plan to return on a reduced schedule, and it has been approved by your department, communicate your plans to The Standard. |
What resources can support me? |
Child rearing leave
- This leave may be taken immediately after Pregnancy/Childbirth Leave ends or within the first year following birth or adoption.
- This leave can be requested for up to 26 weeks. This is one continuous duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption.
- Employees may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks.
Parental Pay benefit
- The first 8 weeks of an approved Child Rearing/Bonding Leave are paid by Yale via the Parental Pay benefit, minus any applicable CT PFML. You must apply to the PFML program, as University-paid benefits will be reduced based on eligibility for the program. While this benefit is typically applied during the first 8 weeks of Child Rearing Leave, it may be applied differently upon request, provided it continues to be applied in a continuous block of time (at the minimum, a 1 week block is the shortest duration of time).
- Paid Parental can be used on a reduced schedule if CT PFML is not applicable, but the total duration of paid time may not extend beyond 8 weeks or 40 days (i.e. a day counts as a day, even if it is used as a half day).
Clerical and Technical, Security
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work for 30 days.
What is the type of leave, and how is my absence protected? |
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Under Yale Policy |
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy, CT Pregnancy Act |
Child Rearing/Bonding Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy |
How long can I be out? |
Under Yale’s maternity leave program, you may choose to begin your maternity leave 2 weeks prior to your delivery date |
6 weeks post-birth for regular delivery or 8 weeks post-birth for C-section |
Up to 26 weeks This is one duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption. Leaves are generally continuous. Staff may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks. |
How will I receive pay? |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. , Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org Alternatively, if you have previously enrolled with Aflac, file a claim with them for Short Term Disability (STD) coverage. Aflac has a 14-day waiting period in the beginning when you may use your accruals to receive pay. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Learn more about Aflac: |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s income. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org Alternatively, if you had previously enrolled with Aflac, file a claim with them for Short Term Disability (STD) coverage. Aflac has a 14-day waiting period in the beginning when you may use your accruals to receive pay. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Learn more about Aflac: |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org |
What is the process to set up the leave? |
Staff may call The Standard and provide your delivery date, health care provider’s information (name, phone number and fax number), and the date you plan to begin the leave. Once the leave is requested, The Standard will send an Authorization to Release Health Information form to you in the mail. Please complete this form and return it to The Standard to expedite the processing of your maternity leave. Your consent allows The Standard to contact your provider to verbally confirm your delivery date. |
Same process as noted to the left in the “Pregnancy” column. After the baby is born, confirm the delivery date with The Standard. |
When you call The Standard to set up the maternity leave, they will calculate the number of weeks post-estimated birth to determine the start of your child rearing leave. If you plan to return on a reduced schedule, and it has been approved by your department, communicate your plans to The Standard. |
What resources can support me? |
Service and Maintenance
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work. Individuals may access new accruals when they are allocated in January.
What is the type of leave, and how is my absence protected? |
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Under Yale Policy |
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy, CT Pregnancy Act |
Child Rearing/Bonding Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy |
How long can I be out? |
Under Yale’s maternity leave program, you may choose to begin your maternity leave 2 weeks prior to your delivery date |
6 weeks post-birth for regular delivery or 8 weeks post-birth for C-section |
Up to 26 weeks This is one duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption. Leaves are generally continuous. Staff may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks. |
How will I receive pay? |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org Alternatively, if you have previously enrolled with Aflac, file a claim with them for Short Term Disability (STD) coverage. Aflac has a 14-day waiting period in the beginning when you may use your accruals to receive pay. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Learn more about Aflac: |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org Alternatively, if you have previously enrolled with Aflac, file a claim with them for Short Term Disability (STD) coverage. Aflac has a 14-day waiting period in the beginning when you may use your accruals to receive pay. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Learn more about Aflac: |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org |
What is the process to set up the leave? |
Staff may call The Standard and provide your delivery date, health care provider’s information (name, phone number and fax number), and the date you plan to begin the leave. Once the leave is requested, The Standard will send an Authorization to Release Health Information form to you in the mail. Please complete this form and return it to The Standard to expedite the processing of your maternity leave. Your consent allows The Standard to contact your provider to verbally confirm your delivery date. |
Same process as noted to the left in the “Pregnancy” column. After the baby is born, confirm the delivery date with The Standard. |
When you call The Standard to set up the maternity leave, they will calculate the number of weeks post-estimated birth to determine the start of your child rearing leave. If you plan to return on a reduced schedule, and it has been approved by your department, communicate your plans to The Standard. |
What resources can support me? |
Police Officers
Paid time off continues to accrue during the first 12 months of leave. Accruals accumulated while on leave can be accessed after returning to work for 30 days.
What is the type of leave, and how is my absence protected? |
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Under Yale Policy |
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy, CT Pregnancy Act |
Child Rearing/Bonding Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy |
How long can I be out? |
Under Yale’s maternity leave program, you may choose to begin your maternity leave 2 weeks prior to your delivery date |
6 weeks post-birth for regular delivery or 8 weeks post-birth for C-section |
Up to 26 weeks This is one duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption. Leaves are generally continuous. Staff may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks. |
How will I receive pay? |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org Alternatively, if you have previously enrolled with Aflac, file a claim with them for Short Term Disability (STD) coverage. Aflac has a 14-day waiting period in the beginning when you may use your accruals to receive pay. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Learn more about Aflac: |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org Alternatively, if you have previously enrolled with Aflac, file a claim with them for Short Term Disability (STD) coverage. Aflac has a 14-day waiting period in the beginning when you may use your accruals to receive pay. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Learn more about Aflac: |
You may use your accruals in half or full days, or may elect to be unpaid by Yale. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. If using accruals in half days, or unpaid, and would like to receive benefits from the state’s PFML program, you must apply for benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org |
What is the process to set up the leave? |
Staff may call The Standard and provide your delivery date, health care provider’s information (name, phone number and fax number), and the date you plan to begin the leave. Once the leave is requested, The Standard will send an Authorization to Release Health Information form to you in the mail. Please complete this form and return it to The Standard to expedite the processing of your maternity leave. Your consent allows The Standard to contact your provider to verbally confirm your delivery date. |
Same process as noted to the left in the “Pregnancy” column. After the baby is born, confirm the delivery date with The Standard. |
When you call The Standard to set up the maternity leave, they will calculate the number of weeks post-estimated birth to determine the start of your child rearing leave. If you plan to return on a reduced schedule, and it has been approved by your department, communicate your plans to The Standard. |
What resources can support me? |
Child Rearing
Child Rearing leave is continuous leave available to eligible staff members who wish to devote their time to caring for a newborn or newly-adopted child within the first year after birth or adoption.
- This leave may be taken on a reduced schedule, which is a consistent number of hours per day or days per week (with department approval). Provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks.
- This leave cannot be taken intermittently. Once you return to work full-time, the leave has ended even if you did not utilize the full 26 weeks.
- For those on maternity leave, child rearing is a separate leave that begins after the maternity leave ends. This leave may immediately follow maternity leave or may be taken later, as long as it is taken and completed by the time the child turns 1 or within 1 year of adoption.
Important: On 1/1/2022, the Connecticut Paid Family and Medical leave (PFML) launched. This state-run program provides income replacement for those on an approved bonding leave, but individuals must apply to the State of Connecticut in order to receive the benefit. Submit a Claim.
Note that individuals who work in a state other than Connecticut which has implemented a PFML program must apply for state benefits through that state’s process.
An approval for leave by The Standard does not mean you will be approved for income replacement by the state of Connecticut. Note that the state requires you to apply for pay benefits 30 days in advance of foreseeable leaves, and as soon as practicable for unforeseen leaves.
Staff must identify, up front, if they would like to use paid time off accruals or not. When you apply for a leave, The Standard will ask if you would like to use your paid time off accruals and they will communicate this decision to Yale’s Absence team. For continuous leaves, accruals can be used in full days or half days, and will be applied in the default order as outlined within the “Income Replacement Programs” section of the website. If you would prefer not to use your paid time off, you must communicate that to The Standard. For intermittent or reduced schedule leaves, accruals can be used, or not. If you are receiving partial pay or no pay from Yale, you may be eligible for income from the state PFML program. Please note that staff on a leave may not receive more than 100% of salary from the combination of PFML, Yale pay and/or any other source of income (STD insurance).
Note that once you make the election on how to use your accruals, it cannot be reversed. As part of the PFML process, the state requires employers to identify staff use of accruals on the Employer Verification form. Changes made to accrual usage after being reported would result in inaccurate reporting to the state and cannot occur.
For M&P staff receiving University-paid parental pay, Yale will coordinate pay with the state and reduce income where applicable. In this instance, primary income comes from the state of Connecticut. Secondary income comes from Yale. While you are receiving income replacement that is University-paid, pay will be reduced by the amount of funding that the staff member is eligible to receive from the state. The University will only supplement PFML benefits with Yale-provided compensation, when applicable, so that the employee receives 100% of their regular weekly pay. M&P staff receiving parental pay must apply for PFML income replacement through the state’s process as soon as possible, but no later than within the first month of taking a leave of absence. Once approved, the state will pay its portion of income replacement directly to the staff member. In no case may a staff member on a leave receive more than 100% of salary.
A note for M&Ps with multiple state claims in one year’s timeframe: When you apply for University-paid parental pay and you have already collected state PFML within the same year, you must provide a proof of earnings statement from the state, to Yale’s Benefits department. This is to ensure that the offsets for parental pay are correctly allocated. In the absence of documentation, Yale will assume you are collecting state PFML for the full duration of 12 weeks, and reduce Yale-paid earnings accordingly. Upon receipt of a state benefits statement, Yale will adjust your earnings accordingly. If any overpayments occur, Yale reserves the right to recoup those funds. Coordination with State-paid leave programs is complicated, and we appreciate your patience as we navigate through the process.
Note, the state of Connecticut requires that staff members be allowed to keep 10 days of accruals in their bank but staff members may choose to use all of their accruals. If you have elected to use your all of your paid time off accruals, please contact the Absence Management office at employee.services@yale.edu.
With Child Rearing leave:
- Child rearing leave covers birth and adoptive parents.
- Note regarding foster parents: Fostering periods are covered under FMLA as a leave for bonding, but child rearing leave is specifically connected with birth or a finalized adoption. CT PFML is applicable for birth, adoption or foster.
- Child Rearing is granted for all post-probationary staff. If eligible, time away from work is tracked and designated under FMLA and/or the University recognized Non-FMLA leave policy.
- All parents are eligible for 26-weeks of child rearing under University policy, in addition to maternity leave (if applicable).
Did you know?
- Yale grants an additional 12 weeks of child rearing leave time, beyond the CT FMLA allotment of 12 weeks (See example on the FMLA page).
- Yale grants child rearing leaves even for those who do not meet the eligibility criteria under FMLA.
- If both parents work at Yale, each is entitled to child rearing leave.
Managerial and Professional
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work.
What is the type of leave, and how is my absence protected? |
Child Rearing/Bonding Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy |
How long can I be out? |
26 weeks This is one duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption. Leaves are generally continuous. Staff may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks. |
How will I be paid? |
The first 8 weeks of an approved child rearing leave are paid by Yale reduced by applicable state PFML benefits. CT Paid leave benefits may be received in conjunction with employer provided leave benefits, not to exceed 100% of staff member’s salary. The University will supplement any benefits received through the PFML program with Yale-provided compensation, when applicable, so that the employee receives 100% of their regular weekly pay. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML on the CT Paid Leave website. Thereafter, you may use the accruals you had earned prior to taking the leave in full or half days. If you are in a paid status, you are eligible to access new accruals as they are earned. When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. The parental pay benefit is typically applied during the first 8 weeks of Child Rearing Leave but may be applied differently upon request. Paid Parental can be taken on a reduced schedule, but the total duration of paid time may not extend beyond 8 weeks or 40 days (i.e. a day counts as a day, even if it is used as a half day). When PFML runs concurrent, paid parental can be taken in blocks of time as small as 1 weeks’ duration. If both parents are Managerial and Professional staff at Yale, they are each entitled to the parental pay benefit. To be eligible for the parental pay benefit, the individual must be employed by Yale when the qualifying event (birth or adoption of a child) occurs. Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, accruals may be accessed upon return to work. You may use your accruals. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. |
What is the process to set up the leave? |
If Child Rearing leave follows Maternity leave, (for staff) The Standard will calculate the number of weeks post-estimated birth to determine the start of your child rearing leave. If Child Rearing leave is not following any other leave, call The Standard and provide the baby’s delivery date or adoption date. Note that supporting documentation (proof of birth or adoption) may be required. If you plan to take any of this leave on a reduced schedule, and it has been approved by your department, communicate your plans to The Standard. |
What resources can support me? |
Parental Pay Highlights
- The first 8 weeks of an approved Child Rearing/Bonding Leave are paid by Yale via the Parental Pay benefit, minus any applicable CT PFML. You must apply to the PFML program, as University-paid benefits will be reduced based on eligibility for the program. While this benefit is typically applied during the first 8 weeks of Child Rearing Leave, it may be applied differently upon request, provided it continues to be applied in a continuous block of time (at the minimum, a 1 week block is the shortest duration of time).
- Paid Parental can be used on a reduced schedule that follows a continuous leave, but the total duration of paid time may not extend beyond 8 weeks or 40 days (i.e. a day counts as a day, even if it is used as a half day).
Clerical and Technical, Security
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work for 30 days.
What is the type of leave, and how is my absence protected? |
Child Rearing/Bonding Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy |
How long can I be out? |
Up to 26 weeks This is one duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption. Leaves are generally continuous. Staff may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks. |
How will I be paid? |
You may use the accruals you had earned prior to taking the leave in full or half days. If you are in a paid status, you are eligible to access new accruals as they are earned. When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work for 30 days. |
What is the process for setting up the leave? |
If Child Rearing leave follows Maternity leave, (for staff) The Standard will calculate the number of weeks post-estimated birth to determine the start of your child rearing leave. If Child Rearing leave is not following any other leave, call The Standard and provide the baby’s delivery date or adoption date. Note that supporting documentation (proof of birth or adoption) may be required. If you plan to take any of this leave on a reduced schedule, and it has been approved by your department, communicate your plans to The Standard. |
What resources can support me? |
Service and Maintenance
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work. Individuals may access new accruals when they are allocated in January.
What is the type of leave, and how is my absence protected? |
Child Rearing/Bonding Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy |
How long can I be out? |
Up to 26 weeks This is one duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption. Leaves are generally continuous. Staff may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks. |
How will I be paid? |
You may use the accruals you had earned prior to taking the leave in full or half days. If you are in a paid status, you are eligible to access new accruals as they are earned. When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work. Individuals may access new accruals when they are allocated in January. |
What is the process for setting up the leave? |
If Child Rearing leave follows Maternity leave, (for staff) The Standard will calculate the number of weeks post-estimated birth to determine the start of your child rearing leave. If Child Rearing leave is not following any other leave, call The Standard and provide the baby’s due date or adoption date. Note that supporting documentation (proof of birth or adoption) may be required. If you plan to take any of this leave on a reduced schedule, and it has been approved by your department, communicate your plans to The Standard. |
What resources can support me? |
Police Officers
Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. Accruals accumulated while on leave can be accessed after returning to work for 30 days.
What is the type of leave, and how is my absence protected? |
Child Rearing/Bonding Leave Pending eligibility: Federal FMLA, CT FMLA, Yale policy |
How long can I be out? |
Up to 26 weeks This is one duration of time to be taken within the first year following birth or adoption. Leaves are generally continuous. Staff may request to return to work on a temporary reduced schedule (with department approval) following a continuous portion of this leave, provided the total duration of time is within the 26 weeks. |
How will I receive pay? |
You may use the accruals you had earned prior to taking the leave in full or half days. If you are in a paid status, you are eligible to access new accruals as they are earned. When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary. Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested, as noted in the Pay While On Leave section. Paid time off continues to accrue during the first 12 months of leave. Accruals accumulated while on leave can be accessed after returning to work for 30 days. |
What is the process to set up the leave? |
If Child Rearing leave follows Maternity leave, (for staff) The Standard will calculate the number of weeks post-estimated birth to determine the start of your child rearing leave. If Child Rearing leave is not following any other leave, call The Standard and provide the baby’s delivery date or adoption date. Note that supporting documentation (proof of birth or adoption) may be required. If you plan to take any of this leave on a reduced schedule, and it has been approved by your department, communicate your plans to The Standard. |
What resources can support me? |
Sabbatical (non-academic)
Managerial and Professional
This leave is not administered by The Standard.
To apply for this leave, please consult your HR Business Partner.
Managerial and Professional (M&P) Sabbatical is an unpaid continuous leave from the University that is voluntary and initiated at the request of the individual staff member. Details can be found on the Staff Workplace Policies page.
Military leave is a leave of absence from employment with the University for serving on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States, including summer encampment, for staff members in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the United States or the State of Connecticut. Please review Yale’s Staff Workplace Policies page for further details on Military Leaves of Absence.
During Military leave:
- Paid time off that has accrued prior to the commencement of the leave may be utilized during the leave. Sick time may not be utilized during Military Leave.
- Military service members are eligible for Yale supplemental pay for active duty, which is the difference between military reimbursement (base pay only) and Yale income for up to 90 days. This is only for unpaid absence time, not applied during periods of time during which accruals were used. Requests for supplemental pay can be made during the leave, or promptly upon completion of the leave, by submitting Leave and Earnings Statements.
- PTO/Vacation time may accrue, but not sick time.
- This leave may be extended for up to 5 years.
Military Exigency
A Qualifying Exigency leave is an unpaid leave of absence granted to an eligible staff member because of any “qualifying exigency” arising out of the fact that a covered staff member’s spouse, child or parent is on or has been called to active duty in the Armed Forces. Please review Yale’s Staff Workplace Policies page for further details on Military Exigency Leave.
This leave is granted to address:
- Short notice deployment, military events and related activities
- Childcare and school activities
- Financial and legal arrangements
- Counseling
- A covered service member’s rest and recuperation
- Post deployment activities
- Additional activities agreed to by the staff member and employer
Effective January 1, 2022, Connecticut Paid Family Medical Leave provides income replacement benefits to eligible individuals who are taking military exigency leave. Individuals must apply to the State of Connecticut through their processes, in order to receive the benefit. Submit a Claim.
Managerial and Professional
- Paid time off accruals can be used in full or half days. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary.
- Note: 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work.
Clerical and Technical, Security
- Paid time off accruals can be used in full or half days. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary.
- Note: 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work for 30 days.
Service and Maintenance
- Paid time off accruals can be used in full or half days. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary.
- Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work. Individuals may access new accruals when they are allocated in January.
Police Officers
- Paid time off accruals can be used in full or half days. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary.
- Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during the first 12 months of leave. Accruals accumulated while on leave can be accessed after returning to work for 30 days.
Military Caregiver
A Military Caregiver leave is an unpaid leave of absence granted to an eligible staff member who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service member who is recovering from a serious illness or injury sustained in the line of duty on active duty. This illness or injury includes:
- Undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy
- In outpatient status
- On the temporary disability-retired list for a serious illness or injury occurred in the line of duty
Effective January 1, 2022, Connecticut Paid Family Medical Leave provides income replacement benefits to eligible individuals who are taking military caregiver leave. Individuals must apply to the State of Connecticut through their processes, in order to receive the benefit. Submit a Claim.
Managerial and Professional
- Paid time off accruals can be used in half or full days. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary.
- Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work.
Clerical and Technical, Security
- Paid time off accruals can be used in half or full days. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary.
- Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work for 30 days.
Service and Maintenance
- Paid time off accruals can be used in half or full days. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary.
- Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave. For those in a paid status, accruals may be accessed immediately. For those in unpaid status, newly earned accruals may be accessed upon return to work. Individuals may access new accruals when they are allocated in January.
Police Officers
- Paid time off accruals can be used in half or full days. Accruals will be applied in the default order, unless otherwise requested as noted in the Pay While on Leave section.
- When using half days, or if you are unpaid by Yale, it is encouraged that you apply for the state’s Paid Family and Medical leave program. You must apply for PFML benefits as soon as possible, but no later than the first month of an approved leave of absence. See more about CT PFML here: ctpaidleave.org. Income is not to exceed 100% of a staff member’s salary.
- Note, 10 days of accruals may be retained or all accruals may be used upon request to employee.services@yale.edu.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during the first 12 months of leave. Accruals accumulated while on leave can be accessed after returning to work for 30 days.
Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation is a state mandated insurance program that covers lost wages and medical treatment resulting from an employee’s work-related injury or illness. It also covers services needed to help an employee recover and return to work. Each claim will be reviewed for eligibility by Yale’s third-party administrator, CorVel.
- Individuals on approved claims are paid by the third-party administrator, CorVel.
- Payments are approximately two-thirds of pre-injury earnings.
- Paid time off accruals may be used to supplement the remaining third (up to 100% total). Note that Police Officers and Command Staff do not use their accruals, but are supplemented by the department.
- Note that the two-thirds of pre-injury earnings payments are sent from CorVel. While on an approved workers’ comp absence, Yale employees will only receive a Yale paycheck if they are supplementing the remaining one-third with their accruals. If using accruals, you are considered to be in a “paid status” from Yale.
- All related medical treatments, prescriptions, physical therapy, etc. are covered for approved cases.
- Paid time off continues to accrue during leave.