Rewarding healthy behavior: Tobacco Free Yale Assistance Program
Effective July 1, 2016, non-tobacco users will pay a lower contribution rate than tobacco users. Tobacco users who participate in the Tobacco Free Yale Assistance program or complete the Tobacco Free Certification will also pay the lower non-tobacco contribution rates. For additional information, please review the Frequently Asked Questions.
Tobacco Free Yale Program
At Yale, we care about your health and well-being.
That is why the university has committed to becoming a Tobacco Free campus. Leading the charge among its Ivy peers, the focus of the Tobacco Free Yale initiative is on improving the health and environment of our overall community.
Tobacco Free Yale Assistance Program
Tobacco Free Yale takes a holistic approach to supporting Yale students, faculty and staff by offering various programs and resources geared towards helping you and your loved ones quit tobacco use.
For faculty, staff and their dependents the Tobacco Free Yale Assistance Program offers:
- one-on-one telephonic coaching that is personalized for you
- education and planning materials to help you stay tobacco free
- options such as free Nicotine Replacement Therapy medications to consider with support from your Health Coach and pharmacist
Coaching is conducted through scheduled telephone appointments which range from 15 – 30 minutes based on your need, and the program is available to you and your covered dependents.
To learn more about the Tobacco Free Yale program, please call 866-237-1198.