Yale’s Mailing Address
What is Yale’s Mailing Address?
There is no universal mailing address for Yale University departments. Yale’s central campus consists of many buildings and residential halls located through the City of New Haven. All departmental U. S. mail (received from the US Postal Service by box number) is distributed by Yale Mail Service. (Student mail is handled through Yale Station by the USPS.)
Every department has a unique post office box number and corresponding ZIP Code. The purpose of these box numbers is to speed your mail through both the U. S. Postal Service and Yale mail systems. Your mail is sorted by the U. S. Postal Service directly into your box. Each morning the mail is delivered to Yale Mail Service and put directly on our trucks for delivery that morning to your department.
Yale Mail Service recommends that all mail and packages be sent via the US Postal Service to the box number, not the street address. Failure to use your box number will result in your mail being hand sorted (1) by the U. S. Postal Service into large hampers simply marked “Yale” and (2) by Yale Mail Service. This adds several days to the receipt of your mail. If there are several departments in your building, your name will be looked up to determine the correct delivery address.
Access a complete listing of all Yale departments and their box numbers. If you still are not certain, call the Campus Mail office at 203-436-4592 and we will be glad to assist.