P.O. Box & Codes

Department Name Address Mail Code P.O. Box # Zip Code
Alumni House 232 York St 426 209010 06520-9010
History of Medicine 333 Cedar St 263 208015 06520-8015
General Counsel's Office 2 Whitney Ave 480 208255 06520-8255
Student Employment 246 Church St 521 202137 06520-2137
Controller's Office FR&A 25 Science Park 576 208372 06520-8372
Boyer Center 295 Congress Ave 181 9812 06536-0812
President's House 43 Hillhouse Ave 353
Yale Institute for Network Science 17 Hillhouse Ave 463 208263 06520-8263
Comparative Medicine 310 Cedar St 207 208016 06520-8016
Keck Biotech Services 300 George St 154
Howard R Lamar Center (No longer in use) per TR&S 320 York 498 208201 06520-8201
SML - Access Svcs - SML Circulation 120 High St 621 208240 06520-8240
Office of Alumni-Yale Law School 157 Church St 557 208294 06520-8294
Student Affairs, Assoc Dean, Fin Aid 367 Cedar St 274 208046 06520-8046
Broadcast Center 135 College St 432 208258 06520-8258
Audio Visual Systems Integration 143 Elm St 427
Minority Affairs ESH 367 Cedar St 264 208036 06520-8036
School of Engineering & Applied Physics 17 Hillhouse Ave 481 208373 06520-8373
Davenport College 248 York St 527 208213 06520-8213
SML - Boswell Papers 120 High St 612 208240 06520-8240
Special Advisor to President 333 Cedar St 182 208085 06520-8085
International & Professional Experience 55 Whitney Ave 354 208303 06520-8303
Physical Plant Materials 344 Winchester Ave 464 208259 06520-8259
Oncology 333 Cedar St. 208 208032 06520-8032
Stock Room - Medical 219 Prospect St, Kline Tower 158 208024 06520-8024
Pierce Foundation 290 Congress Ave 159
Trusts & Estates 157 Church 9th fl 499 208214 06520-8214
SML - East Asian Collection 120 High St 622 208240 06520-8240
Office of Gender and Campus Culture 135 Prospect St 663 208304 06520-8304
Academic / Faculty Affairs 55 College St 275 208000 06520-8000
