
To: Members of the Yale Parking Program

After careful review of ongoing costs associated with maintaining our parking facilities, we write to inform you that effective July 1, 2024, monthly and student parking fees will increase by 2.5%. Hourly and daily rates will not change.

For questions or concerns, contact Yale Parking & Transit by emailing or by calling (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. through 2:30 p.m.) 203-432-9790.

Thank you,
Yale Parking

Parking at Yale is limited. Permit prices are based on a sliding scale.

Any parking permit issued by Yale University must be displayed. Should you drive another vehicle without a permit, it is your duty to inform the Parking Department.

All vehicles parked on University property must be registered, insured, and operable.

Members of the Yale community who drive to work and do not participate in the Yale parking program are strongly discouraged from parking on residential streets in neighborhoods around Yale’s campus. Yale supports New Haven’s residential parking zones which help ensure adequate parking for New Haven residents. Enforcement actions such as tickets, towing, and booting of vehicles may result from parking violations. Please contact the Yale Parking Office for assistance with your parking needs.

Rates, Permits, Applications and Regulations

Call or email CTrides to determine if there’s a more cost-effective and sustainable way for you to get to campus.

If you decide not to park on campus, or want to suspend your parking permit to use transit, you’ll receive:

As always, you can count on the free Yale Shuttle to get around during the day, and use a car anytime if you become a Zipcar Member.

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