FAQ on Unused Non-Refundable Airline Tickets

Yes, if the tickets is still listed in your travel profile, it will be available for use until it expires. If unsure, check with Egencia or the airline to understand when the ticket must be used by.

If the ticket has expired it is no longer available for your use.

Initially US airlines extended the expiration of the tickets. More recently, some airlines have opted to credit the University for the value of expiring unused non-refundable tickets to encourage new travel, and to prevent the loss of these funds.

The University is currently negotiating with participating US airlines on the use of the funds from the unused, non-refundable tickets; and there will be an announcement soon outlining the process for the use of these funds.

If you will be traveling, you should attempt to use the ticket for an upcoming trip before it expires. Egencia can assist you if you have questions.

No. Travel must be for valid university business and needs to take place prior to the ticket expiration date.

If you have no plans to travel before your ticket will expire, there is no action required at this time. There will be a communication soon that will outline the process for utilizing any funds credited to the university for these expired unused, non-refundable tickets. If you have extenuating circumstances not covered by the points listed above, send an email with your question and explanation to travel@yale.edu.