Gift Administration

Gift Administration is responsible for administering the University’s many gift funds. Gift funds are comprised of gifts that that may be spent in their entirety, including current use gifts and gifts for the construction, renovation and maintenance of the University’s facilities (plant funds) and gifts to the endowment, which are meant to provide lasting support to the University.  For endowment gifts, only the income earned by the gift from may be spent and the principal remains intact for perpetuity.  Gift funds may be for the unrestricted use of the University or for restricted purposes as specified by the donor.  

Gift Administration is responsible for:

  • Setting up new funds and modifying existing funds, as necessary
  • Allocating gifts to the University to the appropriate funds
  • Maintaining ALICE, the University’s funds database
  • Financial stewardship of restricted funds
  • Monitoring compliance with donor restrictions
  • Preparing annual endowment income budget and gift administration year-end closing adjustments
  • Preparing investor reports and performing the plant fund analysis; and
  • Reconciling the central gift holding account


  • Acts as an expert resource regarding the usage of restricted gifts
  • Conducts training covering the administration of restricted funds for the Yale business community
  • Serves as a permanent member of the University’s Gift Implementation and Stewardship Committee