Invoice Match Exceptions and Invoices Requiring Remediation

Invoices route to departments for several reasons including match exceptions, purchases of goods or services made outside of the requisition process, and department requests to view/approve invoices prior to payment during the requisition process.

Invoice Match Exceptions occur when an invoice matched to a Purchase Order (PO): exceeds $5,000, or the quantity or unit price is incorrect, or the PO amount is exceeded.

Additionally, invoices not matched to a PO, may require other information or approval. The invoice or payment request is routed to the Workday departmental inbox once the appropriate cost center is identified. Once the required information (departmental charging instructions (COA) and/or approval) is provided, and approved, payment is made according to payment terms.

  • Avoid the need to remediate invoices for any reason by purchasing goods and services through the creation of an accurate and complete requisition. The requisition once approved creates a PO.
  • The following invoices will either result in an invoice match exception or require review/remediation prior to payment:
    • PO matched Invoices =/> $5,000 always require confirmation of receipt
    • Invoices resulting from a requisition created with a request for the department to review the invoice prior to payment
    • Non-PO Invoices
  • If you do receive an invoice match exception, or an invoice that requires review/remediation, use the Reasons Invoices May Require Attention and Resolution Chart to support resolving any issues or review requirements impeding payment of the invoice
  • University best practice is to take action on the invoice within 3 business days of when it appears in the Workday inbox
  • Immediately communicate to the supplier any shipping errors, unsatisfactory or returned merchandise, and/or any necessary credit
  • Failure to comply with Yale’s Vendor Guide to Invoice Requirements which includes a Yale contact person and department, may cause delays in invoice routing and payment
  • Invoices =/> $100,000 that do not have a PO to match will route to the AP Director

Invoice Match Exceptions

Reasons Invoices May Require Attention Description Resolution
Price and/or Quantity Variance
  • The quantity invoiced is causing a pricing discrepancy
  • Total pricing exceeds amount listed on the approved PO
  • Approve & submit, or
  • Provide a detailed comment advising that you do not approve and the action that you want AP to take & submit
Line item submitted on the invoice is not included on the Purchase Order (PO)
  • Invoiced amount matches to the available PO amount
  • Overage amount, whether dollar amount, quantity, and/or item becomes a Non-PO invoice line
  • Consult with your business office to confirm the correct COA and Spend Category to use
  • Type the COA and Spend Category directly onto the pdf of the invoice
PO Matched Invoices Invoice is =/> $5000, department review/approval is required. Applies to all invoices Cost Center P2P Invoice Specialist confirms receipt of goods/services when cost is over $5,000

Other Reasons Invoices May Route for Review and Remediation

Reasons Invoices May Require Attention Description Resolution
Possible Duplicates Exist Workday detects an invoice has been possibly duplicated
  • Use the Find Supplier Invoices – Yale report to lookup the invoice using the supplier name, invoice date, and invoice amount
  • P2P Invoice Specialists should compare the two images:
  • If they are the same, return the invoice to AP and enter in the comments “Do Not Pay – This is a duplicate Invoice of SI-#######”
  • If the invoices are not the same, enter “Duplicate warning was reviewed” in the comments field, approve & submit
  • If the query does not return any results, return the invoice to AP and enter “Potential Duplicate – Please Review.” This scenario will happen if the original invoice was paid in a different cost center
Department requested to view/approve invoice prior to payment At the point of purchase, the department requested to view/approve the invoice prior to payment (i.e. Department selected requisition type 02 or 04) Note: All approvers may see these invoices more than once if there is an invoice match exception on the Supplier Invoice
  • First, the Supplier Invoice will be sent to the P2P Invoice Specialist to review and provide guidance on the Invoice Match Exception
  • Second, the Supplier Invoice will route to the appropriate reviewer based on dollar amount of the match exception
  • Once the match exception is cleared it will route back to the Cost Center P2P Approver role ($1K, $10K, Unlimited) for overall invoice review
Non PO Invoice (OK2Pay Invoice)
  • Department purchased a good or service without creating a requisition and PO
  • Department submitted an invoice to AP and it now needs COA and/or Approval
  • Consult with your business office to confirm the correct COA and Spend Category to use
  • Review for approval includes confirmation of receipt of the good/service from first $1
  • Type the COA and Spend Category directly into Workday
Order of Work Action to Take Essential Process Details/Helpful Tips
1 Clear an invoice match exception
2 Approve the Match Exception
  • Once the Cost Center P2P Invoice Specialist approves the invoice, the transaction will route to the 1K Approver for review, etc. depending on the amount
  • Departments should expect to review an invoice more than once in the following circumstances:
    • More than one Match Exception occurs
    • There is both a Match Exception and a department request to view/approve an invoice prior to payment (for assistance see Reasons Invoices May Require Attention and Resolution 
Order of Work Action to Take Essential Process Details/Helpful Tips
1 Understand how and where to check status of an invoice match exception
  • Resolved Match Exceptions will show in the Business Process (BP) History as cancelled once they are released
  • The overall status of the transaction under “Status” will be:
    • “In Progress”
    • “Approved”
    • “Draft”
  • The status of the match exception will be found next to it listed as:
    • “Exception” (not yet released)
    • “Override (has been released and is now showing in BP as Cancelled)
2 Run the following reports as needed:
  • Supplier Invoices in Match Exception – Yale
  • Find Supplier Invoices – Yale
  • Invoice Aging in Progress – Yale
  • Invoices in Progress More than 90 Days -Yale
  • Find Suppliers – Yale (select Hold in Supplier Status Field)
If You Need To: Request the Following Role:
Submit Invoice No Workday role required (Employee or Supplier)
Review & Edit Invoices
  • Cost Center P2P Invoice Specialist - the only departmental role that can make updates to the charging instructions
  • CC P2P Inquiry - provides access to reports related to procurement, expenses, and suppliers only. It does not provide access to any financial reports
  1. Cost Center P2P $1K Approver
  2. Cost Center P2P $10K Approver
  3. Cost Center P2P Unlimited Approver

Speak to your supervisor regarding the appropriate dollar threshold for this role

Monitor/Run Report(s)
  1. Cost Center Financial Analyst
  2. Cost Center P2P Inquiry

See Full List of Workday Roles