About Us
Payroll Department at 203-432-8759 or payroll.taxforms@yale.edu for:
- Change of address, copies of tax forms (Forms W-2, Forms 1042-S, etc.) and tax withholding forms (Form W-4, Form CT-W4, etc.)
Shared Services at askfinance@yale.edu for:
- Form 1099MISC
Student Financial Services at 203-432-2700 ask for Geofrey Bonenberger or sfs@yale.edu for
- 1098-T
Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) or 203-432-2305 for
- Matters related to immigration
International Tax Department or 203-432-5530 for
- Tax residency status, treaty eligibility, international paperwork on file (FNIS)
Michael Damone, Tax Director, 203-432-7515 for
- State sales tax exemption certificates