Important Tax Documents Issued by the University

Refer to Federal and State of CT Tax Treatment of Certain Payments Made by Yale University to determine the type of tax forms, if any, that will be issued to you by the University. In addition, you should compile any other tax forms you receive related to other sources of income or deductions.

Yale University Tax Forms Due Date for PROVIDING FORM to Recipient1 Forms Available ELECTRONICALLY

Obtain copy of tax form

Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement 1/31/24


Instructions for Viewing or Printing Your W-2

Form 1042-S, Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding 3/15/24


FNIS website

Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement 1/31/24


SIS and eBill-ePay System

Office of Student Accounts

Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income 1/31/24 No
  1. With the exception of individuals who have consented to receive electronic Forms W-2, the university mails tax forms to the recipient’s address on file at the university.
  2. Electronic copies are available to Yale International Students and Scholars.

In order to obtain an electronic copy of Form 1042-S, if applicable, you will need to log in to the FNIS website using your FNIS User ID and password. Once you log in to the site click View and Print Forms. If you have your FNIS User ID and have forgotten your password, you will be able to reset your password on the FNIS login page. If you have forgotten your FNIS User ID, please send an email to and write “Request for FNIS User ID” on the subject line.