IRB Member Orientation, Education, & Training
Yale University is committed to providing its IRB members with the education and tools necessary for the rigorous and thoughtful review of human research protocols. IRB members are expected to acquire the knowledge to help ensure compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations, institutional policies, as well as the ethical concerns related to human research protection.
Education and Training
New members are required to complete an in-depth orientation with an IRB Chair or Director before taking part in Committee work as a voting member. HIPAA training is also required for members who review research that is conducted within the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Epidemiology and Public Health, the Yale Psychology clinics, the Yale Health Services and research affiliates covered by the HIPAA Privacy Rule. To obtain information necessary to complete this requirement visit the HIPAA website.
In addition to the orientation and web based training, IRB members are expected to attend policy meetings and educational sessions to stay current with evolving practices and theories relevant to the review and approval of protocols. These educational sessions are offered at least twice each year. Announcements of these trainings are sent to all IRB members.
IRB members are encouraged to attend other educational sessions offered to the Yale research community. These sessions are posted on the Yale training website, which also provides access to training modules available through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) and to Yale’s Human Subject Research Resource and Education modules.
Verification of Training
The training site offers each individual the opportunity to view the courses they have taken, and to print out either a certificate of completion for an individual course, or to print out a training profile, listing all courses completed. The profile is accessed through the training site/my training information/transcript. Each course listing has a printer icon at the end, which, when clicked on, produces a training certificate that can be printed.
Educational materials are sometimes distributed in the IRB meeting agendas. These materials may be discussed briefly at meetings and are based on current issues and publications relevant to human research.