Inside Facilities News from 02/2021

Planning for Spring

February 18, 2021

Even though the campus had quite a bit of snow this month, that doesn’t stop the Facilities Landscape and Grounds Maintenance team from preparing for beautiful spring weather. In January, before the snow hit and in-between storms, the team did a lot of winter pruning, tree thinning, and cleaning...

Keeping Yale’s buildings running during challenging times

February 17, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic posed many challenges for the Yale community and its building infrastructure. Mark Perez and his team have done a fantastic job and continue to do so by keeping Yale’s occupied and unoccupied buildings maintained during these strange times. A facilities equipment and...

Retiring FAMIS

February 11, 2021

Short for Facilities Asset Management Information System, FAMIS is the application the University uses to submit and track emergency and routine building maintenance using repair work orders. For nearly twenty years, FAMIS has been the heart of Yale Facilities operation. It sends work orders to...