Important Staff Update on Vaccination and Compliance Policy

August 5, 2021

Summary: This message contains important information and updates on Yale’s COVID-19 vaccination program and related compliance policies for staff.

Dear Colleagues,

We write today to update you on the university’s COVID-19 vaccination program, as well as the related testing requirements and compliance policies we are implementing that will allow us to protect the safety of our campus and have a productive, in-person fall semester.

We are pleased to report that approximately 85% of staff, 82% of faculty, and 85% of students at Yale are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and have reported their vaccination status. We expect these numbers to rise further as individuals complete the vaccination and registration processes. This represents a substantial scientific and logistical achievement. It demonstrates our community’s commitment to protecting each other and following public health recommendations.

While we have made significant progress, we must still do better. Receiving a COVID-19 vaccination is the most important public health action toward protecting our community. We remain committed to the goal of vaccinating as large a percentage of our students, faculty, and staff as possible.

All community members who have not yet submitted their vaccination documentation or requested an exemption must fulfill this requirement immediately. The deadline for completing this process was August 1. As of August 16, unvaccinated, nonexempt staff and staff who do not submit their vaccination documentation will be subject to a progressive disciplinary process, beginning with a notice of noncompliance and proceeding to unpaid leave. Additional escalation is possible following further noncompliance.

For all individuals who are not vaccinated or who have not reported their vaccination status, we are increasing testing frequency and instituting the following compliance policies:

  1. Unvaccinated staff and staff who have not reported their vaccination status who are coming to campus are required to test once per week through August 16.
  2. Beginning August 16, the required testing frequency for unvaccinated and unreported staff coming to campus will increase to twice per week.
  3. As of August 16, unvaccinated and unreported staff who come to campus and fail to meet asymptomatic testing requirements will be subject to a progressive disciplinary process beginning with a notice of noncompliance and proceeding to unpaid leave following continued noncompliance.

In anticipation of students, faculty, and staff returning to campus for in-person classes and the start of the fall semester, the university will temporarily raise the COVID alert level to yellow on August 9. This alert mirrors those already in place at the state and county level and will reinforce that we should be especially careful to abide by all public health guidance as the semester gets underway. We must continue to protect the health and wellbeing of our community as we come together for in-person teaching, learning, and research.

This is a dynamic situation and we will continue to follow the guidance of Yale’s public health experts to carefully craft policies that are informed by science. Our public health committee, a group of leaders from around the university who are world-renowned experts in their respective fields, meet regularly to assess public health conditions and advise us on what safety measures will best protect the university’s operational, educational, and research missions.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Yale, to our students, and to each other. We look forward to continuing to work together for a successful fall semester.


Scott Strobel, Provost
Jack Callahan, Jr., Senior Vice President for Operations