Yale Security Officer featured in affinity group banner campaign

March 30, 2024

Yale Security Officer Nicholas Simons is featured on a banner at the Yale Child Study Center at 350 George Street.

The banner campaign, launched in the fall of 2023, is an initiative of the Disability Alliance at Yale affinity group (DAY) that includes 10 banners placed in high-traffic building locations around campus.

“Diagnosed with autism at the age of five, I am honored to be part of the DAY banner campaign, which aims to amplify the voices and experiences of individuals with disabilities within our community,” said Simons.

The campaign’s goal is to raise awareness, foster inclusivity, and highlight diverse experiences among individuals with disabilities.

My journey with autism, marked by years of hiding and ‘masking’ my behavior, has fueled my passion for authenticity and advocacy.

“Each banner features a member of the Yale community alongside a fact or statistic about their disability, as well as a personal quote, creating a powerful platform for storytelling and connection to humanize Yale community members with disabilities better,” said Simons.

As a member of the planning committee, Simons coordinated photography sessions with the photographer and the participants. He said the project holds a deep personal significance for him.

While the banner project represents a meaningful step towards greater awareness, my dedication to raising disability awareness extends beyond its scope. I remain committed to ongoing work, striving to create a more inclusive and understanding environment for all,” said Simons.