Hiring an Intern

If your department is in need of an intern and does not have one identified, please contact the Internship team within the Office of Staffing & Career Development which can help identify quality candidates. Partnering with New Haven Promise, candidates are sent to you based upon their area of study and work experience.

Please fill out the Hiring an Intern form with position details. 

Interview interns as you would any potential employee. Please check the interview guide.

Once an Intern is Identified

1. Create a position:

a. If the intern is a Yale student, please contact Yale Student Employment to set up a position. Yale students need to work through the Yale Student Employment Center to be paid. Please review university procedure 3503 PR.17 to learn more about Yale student employment.
b. If the intern is a non-Yale student, create a requisition in Workday for a Temporary/Casual employee. Follow these instructions.
c. If the candidate is a New Haven Promise scholar, please follow the same instructions for non-Yale students, and identify the candidate as a New Haven Promise scholar in the requisition.

2. Once the position is approved by your business office:

a. Send the unique STARS application link directly to your candidate.
b. Once the application is submitted by the candidate, the hiring process begins with the completion of the Temporary Data Collection Form. When filling out the rate of pay information within the form, please refer to the salary rates online. Once the form is complete, a background check will be performed. Background checks are mandatory for all paid interns and need to be completed every 12 months if there is a break in employment.
c. Interns will be supplied a NetID and Yale email address by ITS.

Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internships are discouraged, as interns should be compensated for their work and contribution to the university. Background checks still may need to be performed if intern is unpaid. However, unpaid internships may be appropriate when:

  • An agreement is made between the intern, supervisor and business office
  • It is a shadowing experience
  • Credit is given by another school/college

Interns Working in a Lab

If applicable, please review this important document regarding minors and visiting students in labs.