C&T Scene: Problem Solving, January 2021

What is problem-solving?
Problem-solving is the process of finding solutions to difficult and sometimes complex issues. It requires identifying the problem, understanding the causes of the problem, evaluating alternative solutions, and then selecting one that meets the parties’ vested interests. Problem-solving skills are critical to solving workplace challenges.

When might I need to exercise problem-solving skills in the workplace?

  • Evaluating a work process that needs improvement
  • Discussing with your supervisor ideas for improving customer service
  • Learning a new software application as part of your career-fulfillment aspirations
  • Reducing steps to an antiquated process that has never changed  
  • Working through disagreements with a colleague
  • Being a member on a work team that has been tasked with solving a business issue.

Here is an interest-based process you can try when approaching a problem/issue:  

  1. Identify the issue – This is a critical step in problem solving and requires you to be able to differentiate facts from opinion. Collecting data can help you understand the issue at hand. It is important to be clear on the issue you are trying to solve. If it is complex, you may want to problem solve each issue separately. Be sure to agree on what you are trying to solve.
  2. Understand interests of others who are vested in settling the issue – Interests are your wants, needs, concerns, and can also include fears. You can uncover interests by asking questions, doing research, and listening to others. At times, you may need to ask secondary questions to uncover underlying interests. This is when listening is extremely important. Be sure to paraphrase back to the individuals what you heard to be sure you have their understanding of what is important. Then you can express your interest.
  3. Brainstorm options – This is the process of quickly coming up with ideas that may or may not work. Try to think about the interests on the table and brainstorm options that meet as many interests as possible. Then discuss together what might be the best options. Try selecting two or three options to flesh out.
  4. Create a solution – A solution may not be just one option you both agree on. It can be pieces of different options crafted into a viable solution. Once you have a solution, be sure to discuss a plan to implement the solution. Who will do what to carry out this solution? When will you check in again to be sure the solution is working? Can you have a trial period for a solution? Finally, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a decision or solution. You may need to modify your solution.

Tips for problem-solving…how can I excel?

  • Never ignore problems or look at them as a burden. Problems are an opportunity to improve and to grow, both as an organization and as an individual.
  • Adopt a continuous-process-improvement mentality, recognizing that addressing issues, while keeping everyone’s interests in focus, can lead to creative and innovative solutions.
  • Focus on the issue that must be solved and not personalities.
  • Test your reasoning based on observation, experience, reflection, and communication.
  • Question your assumptions and identify what you do know and what you don’t know about the issue. Collecting data can help you differentiate facts from opinion and help you understand the root causes of the problem that needs solving.
  • Measure success and take note of lessons learned

What are skills that I can continue to enhance to be an excellent problem solver? 

  • Active listening skills are tied to good problem-solving capabilities. When you invite others to share their points of view, it can help you to think more broadly and critically about ways to solve a business challenge.
  • Effective questioning can help you understand business challenges to be solved or creating a solution that will address root causes.
  • Brainstorming can produce the best ideas by capturing diverse views, which often can lead to considering creative ways of solving business challenges.
  • Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information objectively and to make reasonable judgements. Critical thinking skills help you to draw conclusions from current information to solve problems or make decisions.
  • Developing your creativity involves “thinking outside the box” or entertaining an idea from someone else that might night seem logical at the time. Be curious and fight the fear of failure.
  • Communicating is about sharing ideas and thoughts using language that is understandable by the other person. Sometimes you need to alter your message to ensure you are understood. Remember, communication is not only verbal, but also includes our body language and tone too.
  • Team building is about working together to develop your strengths and to identify your opportunities, which can be done by learning from others.

Problem-solving is a vital tool to develop, especially since we encounter problems every day in the workplace, whether business or personal.  It involves a mental process in which we discover, analyze, and ultimately reach a solution. The steps outlined above will help you to be an effective problem-solver. Be sure to watch this video to help you utilize critical thinking when problem solving.