How some Yale departments recognize staff members' great work

It’s Your Yale asked staff members how they and their colleagues recognize accomplishments in the workplace. See below, in alphabetical order by first name, the entries we received. Thank you to all who participated.

Abbie Kundishora Yale Center for British Art, Conservation Department We use our afternoon breaks to celebrate with a treat! Usually it’s a choice between ice cream, chocolate pastries, or donuts.
Alex Glidden Development Lots of pizza
Amy Fenner Urology Certificates and sometimes cookies :)
Ann Vitale Opthamology We get “stars” with comments from patients or co-workers.
Audrey Rogers Office of Diversity & Inclusion Monthly meetings, email, greeting cards, verbal recognition
Carissa Violante Women’s Health Research at Yale We will bring in treats, like cupcakes and cookies; make congratulations posters; and share cards with notes of congratulations.
Cerella CraIg Psychiatry Our supervisor hands out certificates!
Christinea Pearson Custodial Services We give each other great comments when the job is well done, and we also have small celebrations during break time to honor them.
David W. Moore TR&S Working and making the dept better
Diane Chandler HR, Employee Services Center We have a breakfast or luncheon.
Donna DelBasso Biostatistics Luncheons
Janet O’Dell School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) This summer SEAS will be taking a Thimble Island Cruise for our staff to get together. We are calling it SEAS on the SEAS!!
Karen Reynolds Pathology Longevity award ceremony once per year
Kim Thomas Anesthesiology We have a luncheon/bkfst for service years ( 5, 10, 15, etc.), for workplace survey results, etc.
Kimberly Psychiatry By celebrating with baked goods
Kyle Preston Cytology We do our best to individually recognize people we know. Working in a large and diverse department has its challanges.
Linda Bergonzi-King ITS/HR Workday Our director encourages everyone to call out moments of awesomeness when co-workers have gone above and beyond.
Louise Danishevsky Economic Growth Center The staff received flowers and candy for Administrative Assistants Day.
Louise Wallace Internal Medicine In our monthly staff meeting, our superviser will recognize our accomplishments.
Lynn Bouffard Anesthesiology We are celebrated by having a luncheon.
Marcia Thomas Nursing By holding a recognition breakfast for our amazing C&T staff. We provided them with personlized mugs.
Marcy Kaufman History Our Chair takes us out to lunch at the end of every academic year to celebrate a job well done.
Margaret Greene Geology and Geophysics Staff also awarded at annual Awards Luncheon
Marianne Russo Arrigone Under Graduate Admissions Every year, they buy each of us a plant for Administrative Professionals Day. We have an annual picnic and holiday party.
Marleen Vega-Perez FRMS Special acknowledgements are given during staff meeting — A pat on the back or a word of praise in front of the team.
Matthew Tanico Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Each year, the GSAS Dean recognizes the staff’s hard work and achievements at a staff picnic at HGS.
McKenzie Granata English With cookies!!!
Melody Martin Environmental Engineering We are given a very nice lunch every summer and are recognized for various achievements.
Meridith Cayer Physician Associate Program Yummy Treats! Our department is great about bringing in baked goods imported from foreign countries to celebrate successes!
Orimena Givens Yale Medicine Verbal recognition during staff monthy meetings
Patrick O’Brien Center for Teaching and Learning In collaboration with our 2 exec. dirs., we started a weekly update to share admin. updates and recognize accomplishments.
Paula Farnsworth Physics Physics celebrates long service! Here, Tom Hurteau & Lil Vinston cut their cake to celebrate 25 and 15 years, respectively :-)
Paula K. Jackson Yale Medicine Credentialing Go out for lunch or order in.
Rick Davis Office of Development Major anniversary outings: bowling, brewery
Robert Haig ITS Help Desk We have a video display board where we post complimentary comments from our clients.
Shengfan Zhou Internal Medicine Celebrate through gathering at bar or restaurant.
Stacey Scirocco Office of Research Administration We get together to have a celebration, and for the long service awards, the department puts together a high-quality poster w/ pics.
Terri Budney Payment Processing We just started having a small food celebration and cards.
Tim Opstrup Office of Cooperative Research Acrylic award for specific achievement…presented at celebration lunch after a successful large project, in front of the dept.
Tim Opstrup Office of Cooperative Research

Gold Star Program. Write achievement on a star & give to a colleague. Anyone can do it and it has to be specific & public.