Learn & Grow: Take a moment for self-reflection and self-development

This month’s article focuses on looking for an opportunity during the pandemic and taking a moment to think about ourselves and the ways we can Learn and Grow even as we are quarantined at home. This might mean reacquainting ourselves with a past interest or learning something new. It can also be a time to think about your career and learn new skills that set you up for opportunities both now and in the future. To that end, we have curated a LinkedIn Learning Collection that focuses on “Developing Ourselves,” which includes information that ranges from improving how we think and building better routines to improving our writing skills and using mobile phones to learn.  For our managers, we have focused on the skills needed to help others develop—one of the Leadership Expectations—and a skill that is more crucial now than ever.
Don’t forget to look at the Learning Center online calendar, as many of our course offerings are being converted to virtual sessions and remain available at this time.  When you see vILT in front of a course name, you will know that the course is being offered as a “Virtual Instructor Led Training.” If a class remains listed as an in-person event, don’t let that dissuade you from requesting participation, as we reach out to those staff already enrolled to let them know about virtual options as soon as they become available. Please know that we, your colleagues that support staff learning and development, will continue to create and curate training content for Yale staff that remains relevant and contemporary, especially as we find ourselves contending with a regularly changing working environment.  We encourage you to frequently check the Learn and Grow page to see what is new.  Remember, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” – Zig Ziglar.