Coming soon: Transition from MyTime to MyTime Lite

June 11, 2020

This summer, most managerial and professional and clerical and technical staff, as well as faculty managers who are time card approvers, will transition to using MyTime Lite for time entry and approval. This supports Yale’s efforts to better secure our computing environment by reducing Java use. Upon implementation, the MyTime link will redirect impacted users to MyTime Lite automatically.

Access to MyTime will be available to users who require the additional functionality it supports, including:

  • Local 35 supervisors managing timecards
  • Local 35 Business Office staff
  • Individuals who manage schedules for business offices
  • Payroll administrators
  • HRISS/system administrators
  • Centralized leave administrators

MyTime users should expect additional communications with updated training guides and details explaining the differences in advance of the change.

For questions, please contact the Employee Service Center via email at or 203-432-5552.