Yale Police Collaborates with New Haven Police to Expand Reach
April 12, 2023
The Yale Police Department (YPD) has always worked closely with the New Haven Police Department (NHPD) to keep the Yale community safe. In March, the YPD and NHPD collaboration was expanded to temporarily support the New Haven Police Department.
Yale Police will collaborate with the New Haven Police in the following areas: traffic and pedestrian safety, downtown youth order maintenance, nightlife support, gun violence, and New Haven Animal Shelter.
Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Initiative
Yale Police and New Haven Police will increase their presence in designated locations to ensure the safety of pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists. This partnership is an extension of the Yale University Traffic Safety Committee which is a diverse group of Yale faculty, staff, and students whose mission is to promote the five “E’s of traffic safety: evaluation, encouragement, enforcement, engineering, and education.
Youth Order Maintenance Downtown
The joint effort between YPD and NHPD walking patrols will increase in designated areas to prevent and reduce incidents involving youth Monday – Friday from 2 to 6 p.m.
Nightlife Support
Yale Police will support NHPD during bar closings in designated areas.
Gun Violence
Two YPD officers are assigned to NHPD’s shooting task force. It’s a collaboration between the New Haven States Attorney’s Office, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, New Haven police, and other area police departments. This task force investigates crimes of violence, crimes involving the use of firearms, and narcotics-related crimes.
New Haven Animal Shelter
Officer Tristan Kiekel is on assignment with the New Haven Animal Shelter. In this 10-week role, Kiekel will work with New Haven Animal Control Officer, Luis Lopez, to enforce state and city ordinances and statutes concerning animals, and assist with other shelter duties, including finding animals’ homes.