Staying connected
September 29, 2023
Provide feedback on what content you value the most
In 2018, Finance published its first culture survey as part of work on our number one priority to build a positive work environment. The feedback we gathered told us many things. We learned that our staff wanted more transparency, information, and communication from leaders and cross-functional colleagues, and we identified a need to build a more engaged community to ensure staff members across the Finance organization felt connected.
The General Ledger newsletter was launched in December 2019 as part of our overarching plan to accomplish these goals. The original newsletter was an “in-house” production, with several Finance staff working to create and disseminate the newsletter. Not long after our first edition was released, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and staff began working remotely. The newsletter was one way we tried to stay connected and foster a sense of community during this period. In December 2021, we launched a new and updated version of the newsletter, utilizing the support of Internal Communications and a format that allowed for more content. This second iteration was built around topics that you, our Finance staff, felt were important.
We’ve had great engagement with the newsletter, and to continue building on that, we are undertaking an effort that once again requires your support and participation. The newsletter planning committee would like your input. We want to know what newsletter content is important to you. What content do you like, what deserves a second look, and what new or different content should we include going forward? The planning team will use your feedback to evolve The General Ledger and ensure the content remains functional and meaningful to the Finance team.
Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes out of your day to provide us with your feedback!