OESD Tip: Evaluate performance, not office time

Consider this idea:  Effective performance should be defined as customer satisfaction, core activities, or project completion that is monitored through regular goal-setting and feedback sessions.  The attainment of goals should be the heart of performance evaluation.   When managers focus on actual work performance, not time logged, they free team members to construct schedules that work best for their success at work and at home.  When employees feel they can balance both personal and professional expectations, they feel strongly supported within the workplace.
Managers are encouraged to take the time to understand which aspects of staff members’ jobs lend themselves to flexible work, and which need to be performed at set times in the office and provide options for work activities that can be done outside of the office.  When your appraisal discussions focus solely on the work conversation and you aren’t distracted by where the work was performed, you show staff that you really are supportive of their effort to achieve work-life balance.
When considering a flexible work location and managing performance, keep these tips in mind:

  • Allow more flexibility in how, when, and where work gets done, while ensuring that enough time is spent at the office to promote communication, collaboration, and innovation.
  • Gradually allow more freedom and flexibility to employees who perform well and earn trust.
  • Recognize you can maintain or even increase performance standards in professional environments while letting go of exactly how (or where) work gets done.